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UMLS® 2006AA Release, February 2006

March 16, 2006 [posted]

The 2006AA edition of the UMLS Knowledge Sources was made available to licensees for downloading from the UMLS Knowledge Source Server on February 13, 2006. Subsequently, the UMLS team discovered an error with MeSH data in four files. A corrected and complete UMLS release was made available on March 2, 2006. DVDs will be mailed in late March to licensees who requested them. Release documentation is available in HTML and PDF at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/documentation.html.


The 2006AA Metathesaurus contains more than 1.2 million concepts and 6 million unique concept names from 118 source vocabularies. In the 2006AA release, 22 source vocabularies were updated including HCPCS, Altlink, CPT, and UMDNS.

Rich Release Format (RRF) Browser

The RRF Browser has been integrated into MetamorphoSys. This tool allows users to view and search their customized Metathesaurus subsets. Recent enhancements include expanded search capacity, a tree view for concepts, and linked concept reports. Documentation is available at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rrf_help.html.

MRCXT Builder

The MRCXT Builder has been integrated into MetamorphoSys. This tool gives users the ability to create the MRCXT file from information in the MRHIER files. Information on the MRCXT builder can be found at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/mrcxt_help.html.


For more information on the UMLS, including how to register to obtain access to UMLS Knowledge Sources, visit the UMLS homepage at //www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/.

  2006 MARCH–APRIL No.   
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