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Letter B
Baby Fae. Retrieval From BIOETHICSLINE.
1985 Feb:10
BackFiles, MEDLINE,
MEDLINE BackFiles (1979-1996)
Backward Cross Reference (BX).
1990 Feb:88
Basics of Searching MEDLINE
1989 Feb:3, 46
Baud Rate. 1200 Baud LOGIN.
1985 Nov:4
Bell 202 Modems Discontinued via Tymnet.
1982 Sep:3
Beta Testers.
1990 Jan:14
Bibliography of Bioethics
1990 Feb:29; 1993 Mar-Apr:Appendix B;
1993 Nov-Dec:Appendix C
1994 Nov-Dec:6
1996 Jul-Aug:17B
Bibliography of Medical Reviews, July 1985. Omitted Citations.
1985 Sep:4
Credit Card Customers Charged Twice.
1988 Mar:3
Cycle Changes From Monthly to Quarterly.
1994 Jan-Feb:3
Interest on Overdue Accounts.
1986 Oct:9; 1987 Mar:1
br />
Invoice Format Change.
1987 Feb:1; 1989 Jan:6; 1989 Jun:8
March Credit.
1985 May:4
Master Account Application Form.
1989 Feb:66; 1990 Feb:120; 1991 Jan-Feb:Appendix F; 1991 Jan-Feb:70; 1992 Jan-Feb:70; 1992 Jan-Feb:Appendix F; 1993 Jan-Feb:Appendix F
Master Account Transaction Detail.
1990 Feb:61; 1992 Jan-Feb:71
NTIS Policy.
1986 Sep:3; 1986 Nov:11
SDI Program.
1986 Nov:3; 1987 Nov:4
Toll-free Number for Billing Questions.
1989 Jun:3; 1989 Nov:3
BIOCHEMICAL GENETICS. Indexing and Searching.
1979 Mar:3
1990 edition available.
1990 Sep-Oct:6
1990 MeSH use.
1990 Jan:4
Bioethics Scope Note: Feminist Perspectives in Bioethics.
1996 May-Jun:3
Bioethics Scope Note: Gender Issues in Healthcare.
1995 May-Jun:3
Bioethics Thesaurus.
1995 Sep-Oct:4
Categorized Lists of Bioethics Thesaurus (1989) Keywords
1990 Feb:30
1990 Sep-Oct:Enclosure
Indexing Vocabulary Being Updated.
1991 Jul-Aug:17
Keyword Subcategories.
1991 Sep-Oct:23
New keywords.
1990 Feb:29
New Search Features.
1991 Sep-Oct:24
New Thesaurus.
1991 Sep-Oct:24
Print Commands.
1991 Sep-Oct:23
1990 Feb:29;1991 Jan-Feb:49;
1995 Sep-Oct:41B
Year-End Processing.
1991 Sep-Oct:23
Bioethics Consultation
1994 Jan-Feb:5
Bioethics Thesaurus
1984 May:10; 1986 Oct:4; 1987 Oct:3; 1988 Oct:3; 1989 Oct:3; 1990 Sep-Oct:6; 1992 Jan-Feb:48; 1992 Nov-Dec:3; 1993 Mar-Apr:30;
1993 Nov-Dec:22
1996 May-Jun:2
1989 MeSH use.
1989 Jan:3
Author Abstract (AA) Field Changes.
1995 Mar-Apr:16
Automatic SDI Service Added.
1994 May-Jun:19
Baby Fae.
1985 Feb:10
"Basics" manual published.
1987 Mar:5
Bibliography of BIOETHICS
1992 Jan-Feb:48
BIOETHICS manual chapter for 1982.
1982 Nov:Enclosure
Citations added to AIDSLINE.
1994 Jul-Aug
coverage expanded to policy issues in the use of animals.
1986 Apr:1
database restructured.
1982 Nov:6
data elements added to unit record.
1982 Nov:6
Keywords Added.
1985 Feb:10
1985 use.
1985 Feb:3
1986 use.
1986 Feb:3
1987 use.
1987 Feb:3
Vocabulary updated.
1981 Mar:3
new search term - Animal Experimentation.
1986 Apr:1
producer phone number.
1984 Apr:3
1979 May:4; 1992 November; 1992 Jan-Feb:44; 1992 May-Jun:4;
1996 May-Jun:2
Phone number changes.
1987 Nov:5
Popular Approach (PO) addition to Subject Caption (SC) field.
1985 May:4
Print Capability Changes.
1992 Jan-Feb:45
Search Capability Changes.
1992 Jan-Feb:46
search strategies.
1989 Feb:52
Secondary Source ID (SI) Field.
1995 Mar-Apr:16
Subject Captions field (SC).
1984 Jan:10
Thesaurus available.
1995 Mar-Apr:16
Title of Journal(TJ) Changes.
1995 Mar-Apr:16
toll-free number for help.
1986 Apr:6
Vocabulary Changes.
1980 Sep:3
1992 Jan-Feb:44
1995 Mar-Apr:16
1988 Mar:46; 1989 Feb:51; 1993 Mar-Apr:30;
1993 Sept-Oct:21
1995 Sep-Oct:41B
1996 Sep-Oct:21D
1995 Mar-Apr:16
Biomedical Thesaurus of Medical Subject Headings
- 1990 edition available.
1991 Mar-Apr:5
BIOSIS Subfile
Biosystematic Codes and Concept Codes in Keyword (KW) field.
1989 Feb:4
KW mapped to MeSH Heading from 1985 forward.
1989 Mar:12
sample record.
1989 Mar:13
TOXLINE and TOXLINE65, inclusion.
1989 Feb:4
transfer from TOXLIT, TOXLIT65.
1989 Feb:57
1985 Sep:3
1989 MeSH vs. 1990 MeSH.
1990 Jan:4
1990 MeSH use.
1990 Apr:4
1991 MeSH use.
1990 Sep-Oct:11
1990 Sep-Oct:11
1990 Feb:56
Biosynthesis - (subheading) clarification of scope note.
1990 Nov-Dec:17
file up in 1990.
1989 Oct:5
New database - Bioseek available in summer.
1990 Feb:45
New headings.
1990 Feb:87
resource information in DBIR file.
1989 Feb:21
Biotechnology and Molecular Biology terms in 1989 MESH.
1989 Feb:21
File Available - October 1, 1991.
1991 Jul-Aug:20
Merged with MEDLINE.
1995 Jun-Aug:3
New database available in summer.
1990 Feb:45
Regenerated in Dec 1991 with 1992 MeSH.
1992 Jan-Feb:49
Black & White MeSH
1987 Mar:11
1981 Jul:4
BOOLEAN LOGIC Puzzle Answer.
1981 Aug:14
Brain Research.
journal title changes.
1989 May:3
British Heart Journal
, Title Change.
1995 Jun-Aug:4
Broadcasts on ELHILL.
1985 Jul:8
Bulletin Board. Grateful Med
Accessing Using 800 Number With Macintosh.
1990 Jun:18
Demonstration Programs for IBM-PC (5.0) and Macintosh (1.0) Versions of Grateful Med.
1990 Apr:3
Downloading Problems and Solutions.
1989 Feb:15
Forgotten password.
1990 Jun:17
Harvard Graphics file - IBM Version 5.0.
1990 Apr:3
IBM Version 5.0 - toll-free 800 number available.
1990 Apr:3
TELENET access only.
1989 Feb:15
Version 4.0.
1988 Dec:1
BX (Backward Cross Reference).
1989 Feb:23
1990 Feb:88
field in MESH.