Publications (1979-1996)
A User's Guide to
POPLINE Keywords available.
1992 Jan-Feb:62
Abridged Index Medicus
1994 (Monthly Subscription). 1994 Jan-Feb:4
List of Journals Indexed Erratum. 1993 Mar-Apr:6
AIDS Bibliography . 1990 Feb:94
Adds Geographic Subheadings. 1994 Mar-Apr:4
Available. 1995 Jan-Feb:4
becoming a monthly. 1989 Feb:50
issued monthly. 1988 Nov:5
Title Added 1995 Mar-Apr:4
revised edition available. 1989 Feb:3,46
Black & White MeSH
Available. 1987 Nov:5; 1989 Jan:4; 1990 Jan:5; 1991 Jan-Feb:93; 1992 Sep-Oct:3; 1994 Jan-Feb:4 ; 1995 Jan-Feb:4
Bibliography of Bioethics .
Available from Kennedy Institute of Ethics. 1990 Feb:29; 1992 Jan-Feb:48
v.18. 1993 Mar-Apr:Appendix B
v.19. 1993 Nov-Dec:Appendix C
v.20, 1994. 1994 Nov-Dec:6
Bioethics Consultation. 1994 Jan-Feb:5
Bioethics Thesaurus
Available. 1988 Oct:3; 1990 Sep-Oct:6; 1991 Mar-Apr:5; 1992 Jan-Feb:48; 1992 Nov-Dec:3; 1993 Mar-Apr:30; 1993 Nov-Dec:22
The Cancer Information Service: A 15-Year History of Service and Research. 1994 Jan-Feb:5
Cancergrams. 1990 Mar:Enclosure
Catalog of Publications, Audiovisuals, & Software. 1994 Jan-Feb:5 ; 1995 Jan-Feb:5
Categorized Lists of Bioethics Thesaurus (1989) Keywords DRAFT. 1990 Feb:30
CHEMID Pocket Card . 1991 Jul-Aug:Enclosure
CHEMLINE Pocket Card. 1990 Jun:4
CLINPROT Index Term List, Apr. 1986. 1986 Apr:4
Cumulated Abridged Index Medicus, 1993. 1994 Jan-Feb:4
Cumulated Index Medicus
1979, order form. 1979 Nov:Enc
1980, availability. 1980 Nov:3
1981, availability. 1982 Jul:4
1986 available (Vol 27). 1987 Jan:5
1987 edition available. 1988 Feb:3
1988 available. 1989 May:6
1989 edition available. 1990 Jan:5
1990 - Now Available. 1991 Jan-Feb:93
1992 edition. 1993 Jan-Feb:4
Available from GPO. 1986 Mar:4; 1987 Jan:5; 1988 Feb:3; 1989 Jan:3; 1990 Jan:5; 1991 Jan-Feb:93; 1992 Jan-Feb:83; 1993 Jan-Feb:4; 1994 Jan-Feb:4 ; 1995 Jan-Feb:4
Ceased. 1995 Nov-Dec:4
errors in Book 2. 1987 May:3
Volume 6 Mislabeled on Spine. 1994 May-Jun:6
Volume 31 - Book 1 1990 - Erratum. 1991 Jul-Aug:3
Current Bibliographies in Medicine .
Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM). 1990 Feb:94; 1991 Jan-Feb:97
dating of delayed publications. 1984 Aug:13
DIRLINE Self-Instructional Guide Available From NLM. 1992 Jan-Feb:56
Errata to 1986 MESH/TREES. 1985 Dec:3
Fact Sheets. 1990 Feb:97
Fact Sheets. 1991 Jan-Feb:99
GENE-TOX Fact Sheet . 1991 Mar-Apr:Enclosure
GENE-TOX Reference Guide, Revised . 1993 Nov-Dec:6
Genetic Testing and Genetic Screening . 1993 Nov-Dec:7
Grateful Med Pocket Card
IBM Version 5.0. 1990 Jun:Enclosure
IBM Version 5.0. 1990 Sep:Enclosure
IBM Version 5.0 - error. 1990 Jul:6
Gratefully Yours
New newsletter. 1990 Feb:91
New publication. 1990 May:4
Gratefully Yours . 1991 Jan-Feb:92
Health Hotlines - Update. 1991 May-Jun:4
Health Sciences Audiovisuals Catalog discontinued. 1988 Dec:5
Hospital and Health Administration Index. 1994 Nov-Dec:5
Hospital Literature Index
1993 and 1994 Available. 1994 Mar-Apr:5
completed 44th year. 1989 Feb:55
Correction of Subscription
Information. 1994 May-Jun:6
Name Change. 1994 Nov-Dec:5
Order Form. 1994 Mar-Apr:Appendix A
Hospital Literature Index , 1993. 1993 Mar-Apr:3
Hospital Literature Index Available. 1992 Jan-Feb:57
HSDB Reference Guide . 1993 May-Jun:5
Human Gene Therapy. 1994 May-Jun:5
Index Medicus
List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus (LJI)
2 new headings in subject section. 1989 Feb:58
Available from NTIS. 1980 Feb:4; 1983 Mar:4; 1985 Apr:5; 1986 Mar:3; 1987 Jan:5; 1987 Sep:4; 1987 Nov:5; 1989 Jan:4; 1989 Aug:3; 1990 Jan:5; 1991 Jan-Feb:93; 1992 Jan-Feb:83; 1992 Sep-Oct:3; Jan-Feb:4
1982, revised. 1982 Apr:3
1989 Bioethics Thesaurus available. 1989 Oct:3
1989 Searching Tools List. 1988 Sep:3
List of Serials Indexed for Online Users (LSIOU) .
Available. 1984 Mar:4; 1985 Feb:6; 1986 Feb:5; 1987 Jan:5; 1987 Nov:5; 1989 Jan:4; 1990 Jan:5; 1991 Jan-Feb:93; 1992 Jan-Feb:84; 1993 Jan-Feb:5; 1994 Jan-Feb:4 ;1995 Jan-Feb:4
1986 new features. 1986 Apr:3
Price Erratum. 1993 Mar-Apr:6
Standing Order Service. 1994 Sep-Oct:3
List of Serial Title Word Abbreviations. 1987 Jul:4
List of Serials and Monographs Indexed for Online Users.
Available. 1980 May:3; 1982 May:3
free copy sent. 1980 Mar:Enc
Medical Subject Headings - Annotated Alphabetic List
Available. 1979 Oct:3; 1980 Sep:4; 1981 Aug:4; 1987 Sep:4; 1990 Jul:3; 1991 Jul-Aug:3; 1992 Jul-Aug:5; 1993 Jul-Aug:3
Corrections. 1979 Dec:5; 1979 Feb:7; 1980 Dec:Enc;
Change to definition for Molecular Sequence Data. 1990 Jul:7
Changes to the General Introduction. 1990 Feb:62
Consensus Development Conferences, NIH
Scope and indexing of MeSH heading revised. 1990 Apr:28
Data form abbreviations. 1990 Feb:70
English Abstract (MH) Left Out of 1991 Edition. 1991 Jan-Feb:77
Erratum. 1990 Nov-Dec:17; 1994 Nov-Dec:18
Form subheading for catalogers to be included. 1990 Feb:67
Genetics (subheading) - correction. 1990 Mar:5
Helicobacter Pylori and Helicobacter Infections. 1990 Sep-Oct:7
Highlights. 1991 Jan-Feb:73
Retraction of Publication, MeSH Addition. 1984 Jul:4
Sinusitis - correction. 1990 Mar:5
SPEC in MeSH Annotations. 1991 Jan-Feb:85
Standing Order Service. 1994 Sep-Oct:3
Subheading - Ultrastructure/UL. 1990 Sep-Oct:7
Upper Case, Lower Case. 1993 Sept-Oct:17
Medical Subject Headings - Supplementary Chemical Records
Available for Purchase. 1985 Dec:4; 1987 Nov:5; 1987 Jan:4; 1988 Dec:5; 1989 Dec:4; 1990 Nov-Dec:5; 1991 Jul-Aug:3; 1991 Nov-Dec:3; 1992 Jan-Feb:93; 1992 Jul-Aug:5; 1993 Jan-Feb:5; 1993 Jul-Aug:3 ; 1994 Mar-Apr:5 ; 1994 Jul-Aug:3 ; 1996 May-Jun:3
Standing Order Service. 1994 Sep-Oct3
Medical Subject Headings, Tree Structures
Available 1979 Dec:3; 1979 Oct:3; 1979 Dec:5; 1980 Sep:4; 1981 Aug:4; 1983 Jan:6; 1985 Feb:7; 1987 Sep:4; 1989 Aug:3; 1990 Feb:89; 1990 Jul:3
Changes. 1991 Jan-Feb:90; 1989 Feb:45
pneumocystis Carinii change from sporozoa to fungi. 1989 Nov:3
Documentation and Terms and Conditions. 1994 Jul-Aug:Appendix I
Erratum - page 37. 1990 Sep-Oct:7
Reorganization of United States branch in Category Z. 1990 Feb:83
Standing Order Service. 1994 Sep-Oct:3
Upper Case, Lower Case. 1993 Sept-Oct:17
MEDLARS Indexing Manual 1982 Aug:3
MEDLARS Mini-Manual available 1987 Mar:3
MEDLARS tools. 1979 Feb:4; 1981 Aug:4; 1984 Jan:4
Microfiche Publications.
Health Sciences Serials Ceases Publication. 1996 Sep-Oct:11
MMWR Recommendations and Reports
NLM will not catalog this supplement. 1990 Sep-Oct:8
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
New Monographs Available from GPO. 1992 Sep-Oct:4
Oncology Overviews, Five New Titles Added. 1992 May-Jun:3
NCI MONOGRAPHS Number 9, Consensus Development Conference on the Oral Complications of Cancer Therapies: Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment . 1990 Sep-Oct:6
National Library of Medicine Recommended Formats for Bibliographic Citation Available from NTIS. 1992 Jan-Feb:84
NLM Audiovisuals Catalog
delayed 1987 Dec:4
NLM Catalog Supplement discontinued 1988 Dec:5
NLM Classification. 1981 Jul:3
NLM Classification, 5th ed., 1994. 1994 Nov-Dec:4
NLM Classification - Additions. 1991 Nov-Dec:29
NLM Current Catalog
NLM Technical Bulletin
Compliment/Complaint Form. 1991 Sep-Oct:3; 1991 Sep-Oct:Last Page; 1991 Nov-Dec:Last Page; 1993 Every Issue:Next-to-last page
Special Issue. 1990 Feb:1; 1991 Jan-Feb:1
Mailing list. 1990 Sep-Oct:8; 1990 Sep-Oct:Appendix K; 1990 Nov-Dec:Appendix C
Technical Bulletin . 1991 Jan-Feb:92
Notes for Medical Catalogers.
edition available. 1982 May:3; 1984 Jun:5
1982 reprint. 1983 Mar:4
Oncology Overviews . 1990 Mar:Enclosure; 1991 Mar-Apr:5
Online Services Reference Manual (OSRM)
Ordering 1995 Jun-Aug:4
PDQ User Guide
PDQ Quick Reference Guide Available from NCI. 1992 Jan-Feb:60
PDQ User Guide Available . 1990 Sep-Oct:6; 1991 Jan-Feb:94; 1992 Jan-Feb:59; 1993 Jul-Aug:26
Permuted Medical Subject Headings
Available from NTIS. 1979 Oct:3; 1980 Nov:3; 1981 Aug:4; 1982 Oct:3; 1987 Sep:4; 1988 Sep:4; 1989 Aug:3; 1990 Jul:4; 1991 Jul-Aug:3; 1992 Jul-Aug:5; 1993 Jan-Feb:14; 1993 Jul-Aug:3 ; 1994 Jul-Aug:3
1980, addendum. 1979 Dec:App
Linguistic Root Entries. 1993 Jan-Feb:14
Standing Order Service. 1994 Sep-Oct:3
Upper Case, Lower Case. 1993 Sept-Oct:17
Pocket Cards
CHEMID. 1991 Jul-Aug:Enclosure
CHEMLINE. 1990 Jun:4
Grateful Med
TOXLINE. 1990 Jun:4; 1991 Jul-Aug:Enclosure
TOXNET. 1985 Oct:9
POPLINE Thesaurus
new edition available 1987 Jan:5
Recent Reviews Diagnosis and Therapy , 1989. 1990 Sep-Oct:6
Pricing 1995 Jun-Aug:4
Reference Bibliography Series
AIDS Bibliography . 1991 Jan-Feb:97
Current Bibliographies in Medicine . 1991 Jan-Feb:97
Scientific Information Services
Publication Available from NCI. 1992 Jul-Aug:5
Searching BIOETHICSLINE: A Basic manual for Novice Searchers 1987 Mar:5
Survey of Individual users of MEDLINE
available from NTIS. 1989 Jan:1
Thesaurus, Health Information Terms. 1984 Jul:4
Toxicology Data Network Reference Guide - Revised. 1991 Mar-Apr:5
TOXLINE Pocket Card . 1990 Jun:4; 1991 Jul-Aug:Enc
TOXNET Brief Guide available . 1991 Jul-Aug:Enc; 1992 Jan-Feb:66
Brief Guide - Errata. 1991 Jul-Aug: 3
TOXNET Reference Guide Available from NLM. 1992 Jan-Feb:66
The Tree Trimmer: A Search Tool for Multiple "Tree Explosions" in Medical Subject Headings, 1987
available 1987 Feb:10
TRI Reference Guide Available. 1992 May-Jun:3
TRI Reference Manual Revised. 1994 Jul-Aug:7
Tumor Key .
Available. 1986 Nov:4; 1987 Oct:3; 1990 Mar:5; 1992 Mar-Apr:4; 1993 Jan-Feb:5; 1993 Nov-Dec:6
1994 Corrections. 1994 Jan-Feb:6
1995 Corrections. 1995 Jan-Feb:6
MEDLARS Indexing, Tumor Key , 1982. 1981 Sep:3
MEDLARS Indexing Instructions, Tumor Key Supplement
Revisions. 1986 Mar:App
update. 1988 Mar:33
Use of the Critical Incident Technique to Evaluate the Impact of MEDLINE
Available from NTIS. 1990 Mar:5
Workshop Report on TDB Sources. 1985 Sep:24