Letter N (1979-1996)
NAF see Name Authority File
Alternative Resources. 1995 Jan-Feb:24
Certain data elements translated into English phrases. 1988 Mar:3
Erratum. 1989 Dec:4
File regeneration. 1986 Jul:9
Rebuilt changes. 1988 Apr:4
Rebuilding complete and 1990 file available. 1989 Nov:13
Regeneration. 1988 May:10; 1988 Dec:12
Removed From MEDLARS. 1995 Jan-Feb:24
Name Authority File, see(NAF). 1984 Feb:10; 1984 Apr:4
AACR 2 update. 1981 May:13
access. 1982 Mar:3
changes, conference names & NQ field. 1981 Dec:3
encoding level (EL). 1982 Nov:5
new data elements described. 1979 May:6
regeneration and update. 1979 May:6; 1985 Mar:12; 1985 Apr:3
Update. 1994 Jan-Feb:18
Year-End Processing. 1991 Nov-Dec:24
Name Authority File (NAF) Update Highlights, 1992. 1992 Jan-Feb:49
Name fields (N1, SY) in CHEMLINE improved due to regeneration. 1989 May:18
Name Fragments (NF) Field. 1993 Jan-Feb:1
Name Fragments (NF) - Text Word Searching. 1991 Jan-Feb:23
Name of Mixture (MX) field - CHEMLINE. 1991 Sep-Oct:26
Name of Substance (NM)
added to MEDLINE. 1980 Jul:4
CHEMLINE. 1991 Sep-Oct:26
Errata. 1991 Jan-Feb:86
searchable as Name Fragments (NF) in MEDLINE. 1980 Dec:5
1991 MeSH Changes Not Updated in the Name of Substance (NM) Portion of the MEDLINE RN Field. 1991 Jan-Feb:Appendix H
NAMED GROUPS, searching in MEDLINE. 1979 Aug:6
Name Words (NW) Searchable Now in DIRLINE. 1987 Feb:3
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
National Cancer Institute's Databases, update. 1988 Mar:48
National Cancer Institute (NCI) New Monographs Available from GPO. 1992 Sep-Oct:4
National Library of Medicine
Classification of Congress Publications Now Different. 1988 Jul:4
Reference Section Literature Searches now be sold by GPO. 1988 Jun:4
revised treatment of analyzable serials. 1988 May:14
National Library of Medicine Data on optical disk. 1990 Feb:96
National Library of Medicine Recommended Formats for Bibliographic Citation Available from NTIS. 1992 Jan-Feb:84
National Library of Medicine Reference Bibliography Series. 1990 Feb:94; 1992 Jan-Feb:86
AIDS Bibliography Available from GPO. 1992 Jan-Feb:86
Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) Available from GPO. 1992 Jan-Feb:86
National Referral Center
abolishment of file affects DIRLINE. 1986 Apr:7
National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project Protocol Findings, Reanalysis. 1994 Jul-Aug:4
National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
New Fax Billing Number. 1992 Sep-Oct:5
NBR or NBRDET - MeSH headings that cannot be selected with these commands. 1990 Jul:Appendix A
NBR ALL in TOXNET. 1987 Mar:4
CCRIS Update. 1991 Jul-Aug:32
CLINTPROT Discontinued. 1991 Mar-Apr:4
Mailing list. 1990 Sep-Oct:Appendix G
NCI MONOGRAPHS Number 9, Consensus Development Conference on the Oral Complications of Cancer Therapies: Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment . 1990 Sep-Oct:6
RECENT REVIEWS Diagnosis and Therapy , 1989. 1990 Sep-Oct:6
Registered trademarks for CANCERLIT, CANCERPROJ and CLINTPROT. 1990 Mar:3
update. 1989 Feb:53
NCI MONOGRAPHS Number 9, Consensus Development Conference on the Oral Complications of Cancer Therapies: Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment . 1990 Sep-Oct:6
NCR, see National Referral Center
NEIGHBOR. 1985 Sep:21
Neighbor (NBR) Enhancements, update. 1988 Mar:7
NEIGHBOR Command Enhancements. 1987 Nov:7
NEUROSCIENCE search strategies, availability. 1979 Aug:5
New Serial Titles and Title Changes Announcement, Non-Indexed Titles List in the NLM Technical Bulletin is discontinued. 1987 Apr:3
New Rubric [classical article], update. 1988 Mar:34
New York Academy of Medicine, Address Change. 1993 Sept-Oct:6
NEWS. 1985 Jul:8
expanded to include FILES information. 1979 Sep:3
file updates information in table. 1981 Feb:4
identical at NLM and SUNY. 1981 Feb:3; 1981 Jul:3
searching as textword. 1981 Sep:3
NEXP (NIOSH Exposure Survey) field
Added to RTECS record. 1990 Mar:5
Update. 1990 Feb:56
command update. 1989 Feb:11
example. 1989 Feb:19
(98) SCH (11) QUAL: CONT? (Y/N) message. 1989 Jul:5
NF (Name Fragment) Field. 1993 Jan-Feb:1
NF (Name Fragments) - Text Word Searching. 1991 Jan-Feb:23
NHIC Records Added to DIRLINE. 1984 Jun:7
HEALTH. 1983 Mar:7
interlibrary loan. 1983 Mar:8
search hint. 1983 May:10
unit record, sample. Mar:83:11
NIH GRANT NOS., searching, announced. 1980 Dec:3
NIH Research Resources Subfile added to DIRLINE. 1988 Dec:8
NIOSH Criteria Document (NC) field in RTECS. 1986 Jul:3
NIOSH Exposure Survey (NEXP) field
Added to RTECS record. 1990 Mar:5
Update. 1990 Feb:56
delayed. 1987 Aug:4
newly added. 1987 Sep:6
Regeneration. 1990 Apr:4
Update. 1990 Feb:56
Audiovisual Interlibrary Loan Program. 1985 May:18; 1985 Nov:28
Cataloging-in-Publication (CIP) items are not being acquired. 1989 Apr:4
Cataloging Section will use cataloging copy from Library of Congress and GPO. 1987 Aug:9
In Memorium:Colonel Rogers (Director of NLM from 1949-1963). 1987 Aug:12
Federal Tax Information number. 1987 Aug:3
indexing policy regarding letters, editorials, and news. 1984 Dec:9
online indexing system. 1984 Jul:5
Visible Man. 1995 Jun-Aug:13
videocassettes available on loan. 1987 Feb:4
NLM Access Gateway. 1994 Nov-Dec:16
NLM Audiovisuals Catalog
delayed. 1987 Dec:4
fields added. 1980 Jul:6
NLM Catalog of Publications...see Catalog of Publications, Audiovisuals, & Software Classification, 5th ed., 1994. 1994 Nov-Dec:4
Portions on Gopher. 1994 Nov-Dec:4
NLM Catalog Supplement
microfiche catalog discontinued. 1988 Dec:5
NLM Classification
Additions. 1991 Nov-Dec:29
NLM CLASSIFICATION, availability. 1981 Jul:3
NLM Computer
downtime scheduled for Dec 13-14, 86. 1986 Oct:3
status and plans. 1986 Oct:9
NLM Current Catalog.
delayed. 1987 Dec:4
NLM Data on CD-ROM. 1993 May-Jun:Appendix A
NLM e-mail File Server. 1994 Nov-Dec:22
NLM Gopher. 1994 Mar-Apr:7
NLM Locator. 1993 Sept-Oct:3
NLM Online Pricing Algorithm.
NLM Online Pricing Algorithm (Effective 3/93). 1993 Jan-Feb:Appendix A
NLM Online Pricing Algorithm
(Effective 1/96). 1995 Nov-Dec:21A
NLM Online Services Application. 1990 Feb:109; 1991 Jan-Feb:Enclosure 1
NLM Online Training Program 1994 Jul-Aug:15
1994 Schedule. 1993 Jul-Aug:1
Fall 1991 Schedule. 1991 May-Jun:37; 1991 May-Jun:Appendix B
Fundamentals of MEDLARS Searching Schedule. 1994 Jul-Aug:Appendix A
January - April 1991. 1990 Jul:22
January - April 1991 - schedule. 1990 Jul:Appendix B
January - April 1996 - Schedule. 1995 Jun-Aug:1 ; 1995 Jul-Aug:21A
MEDLARS: Refresher & Review Workshop. 1991 Nov-Dec:39
Request for NLM Online Training. 1994 Jul-Aug:Appendix F ; 1995 Jul-Aug:27D
Request for online training & 1990 schedule. 1990 Feb:116
Schedule Changes. 1991 Jan-Feb:67; 1991 Nov-Dec:3
Specialized Training Modules by Database. 1994 Jul-Aug:Appendix D
Specialized Training Modules by Date. 1994 Jul-Aug:Appendix B
Specialized Training Modules by Site. 1994 Jul-Aug:Appendix C
Summer 1991 Schedule. 1991 Jan-Feb:Appendix C
Training Application form. 1990 Jul:Appendix C; 1991 Jan-Feb:Appendix C; 1991 Jul-Aug:Appendix B
Training Codes. 1991 Jan-Feb:Appendix D
1992 Schedule. 1991 Jul-Aug:35; 1991 Jul-Aug:Appendix
NLM Online Users Meeting at MLA Annual Meeting 1993 Jan-Feb:4; 1993 Mar-Apr:3; 1995 Jany-Feb:4
1988 announced. 1988 Mar:3
1989 announcement. 1989 Mar:3
1989 questions & answers. 1989 Sep:1
1996 announced. 1995 Nov-Dec:3
DOCLINE presentation. 1990 Jul:13
DOCLINE Update. 1993 May-Jun:9
Loansome Doc briefing. 1990 Jul:15
Loansome Doc/DOCLINE Meeting at MLA. 1991 Mar-Apr:3
NLM Meeting, NLM Remarks. 1991 Jul-Aug:1
NLM Meeting, Questions and Answers. 1991 Jul-Aug:7
NLM meeting, 1990 announcement. 1990 Mar:3
NLM Meeting, 1991 Announcement. 1991 Mar-Apr:3
NLM Remarks. 1990 Jul:1; 1993 May-Jun:1 ; 1995 May-Jun:1
NLM Update. 1991 Mar-Apr:3
PDQ - Continuing Education course. 1991 Mar-Apr:3
PDQ meeting, 1990 announcement. 1990 Mar:3
PDQ User Group Meeting at MLA. 1991 Mar-Apr: 3
Questions and Answers. 1990 Jul:18; 1993 May-Jun:11; 1995 May-Jun:8
NLM Pricing Schedule. 1993 Sept-Oct:30; 1993 Sept-Oct:Appendix L
NLM Service Desk Holiday Schedule. 1994 Sep-Oct:Appendix E
NLM Tape distribution format
MEDLINE and MeSH Vocabulary
Change from Standard Distribution Format(SDF) to ELHILL Unit Record Format (EURF) for subset tape licensees. 1990 Jul:7
NLM Technical Bulletin
NLM Toll-free telephone number - see Toll-free numbers
NLM Update at MLA. 1991 Mar-Apr:3
NLM Update at MLA. 1993 Jan-Feb:4
NLM Update at MLA see MLA. 1994
NLM Update Satellite Broadcast, 1/20/94. 1993 Jul-Aug:4
Update Satellite Broadcase 1994. 1994 Jan-Feb:20
Final Announcement. 1993 Nov-Dec:7
Update with Date Change, Site Sign-Up. 1993 Sept-Oct:34
Site Registration Form. 1993 Sept-Oct:Appendix K
NM (Name of Substance)
CHEMLINE. 1991 Sep-Oct:26
Errata. 1991 Jan-Feb:86
1991 MeSH Changes Not Updated in the Name of Substance (NM) Portion of the MEDLINE RN Field. 1991 Jan-Feb:Appendix H
NONE, message. 1989 Jul:5
NON-NLM TITLES, sources for ILL. 1981 Aug:10
change announced. 1980 Mar:6
Note filed in CHEMLINE new contains TSCA definitions. 1989 May:18
Notes for Medical Catalogers
1982 reprint. 1983 Mar:4
1983 edition. 1984 Jun:5
change in publication. 1981 Feb:7
reprinted. 1982 May:3
NP (HEART DISEASE), message. 1989 Jul:5
National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
Nuclear Reactor Accidents
indexing is uniform. 1986 May:14
Nucleic Acids
subheadings allowed include drug effects and ultrastructure. 1987 Oct:11
Number of References added (RF). 1987 Oct:11; 1987 Dec:3
Numeric Calculations and Ranging on TRI. 1989 Sep:14
Numeric Date Element. 1985 Jun:12
Nursing Information
new journal subset tag; N (SB). 1987 Oct:9
Nursing Journal Subset Tag, update. 1988 Mar:16
omission of one journal. 1988 May:3
searching. 1980 Sep:7
SSNOS/OVERIDES? prompt changed. 1980 Jul:4
New Number Index (NX) Field in AVLINE, CATLINE, SERLINE. 1992 Nov-Dec:24
Using the Neighbor (NBR) Command to view Number Index Entries. 1992 Nov-Dec:27