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National Library of Medicine Technical BulletinNational Library of Medicine Technical Bulletin

Letter P

letter a letter B letter C Letter D Letter E Letter F Letter G Letter H Letter I Letter J Letter K Letter L Letter M Letter N Letter O Letter P Letter Q Letter R Letter S Letter T Letter U Letter V Letter W Letter X Letter Y Letter Z select a letter from the alphabet to search the technical bulletin index

P(CR), in telecommunications

operational. 1980 Aug:3

test period announced. 1980 Jul:5


Pagination, MEDLINE Errors. 1983 Apr:4

Pagelength Maximum. 1992 Jul-Aug:4

PAGESIZE, modifications to. 1981 May:3

Pagewidth may affect Grateful Med functioning. 1986 Apr:17

Pagination of Citations. 1993 Sept-Oct:5

Paper, Acid-free. 1994 Nov-Dec:19

Parameters used for telecommunication software

by microcomputers. 1988 Aug:8

Participants Profile. 1991 Jan-Feb:Appendix E

Participant's profile/training code use. 1990 Feb:119

PASSWORD, change for security purposes. 1987 Mar:4

Password security for MEDLARS. 1990 Mar:16; 1990 Sep-Oct:4

PAUSE OFF and PAUSE ON commands in PDQ. 1989 Mar:3

Payments for MEDLARS service. 1989 Jan:6

PC Demo Disk for the Chemical and Toxicological

Files Available. 1987 Feb:8

PC User aids. 1989 Feb:61

CHEMLEARN. 1990 May:16

ELHILL. 1990 May:19

MEDLEARN. 1990 Feb:93; 1990 Jun:3

Medtutor. 1990 Feb:92; 1990 May:16

TOXLEARN. 1990 Feb:92; 1990 May:16

PC User Aids. 1991 Jan-Feb:96

Permanent Paper

data. 1990 Feb:55; 1990 Nov-Dec:28

Level (PLV) Field. 1994 Nov-Dec:19

Notice (PNT) Field. 1994 Nov-Dec:19

PDT (Permanent Paper Reporting Date) Field. 1994 Nov-Dec:19

(PP) Field. 1994 Nov-Dec:19

Reporting Date (PDT) Field. 1994 Nov-Dec:19

Year (PYR) Field. 1994 Nov-Dec:19

PESTAB updates discontinued. 1982 Feb:7

PESTICIDES ABSTRACTS terminated. 1982 Feb:4

PH (MH) and PH (SH)

explosions vs. subheadings. 1982 Jul:4

searching in MEDLINE. 1979 Oct:4

searching in MEDLINE. 1982 May:4

Pharmacodynamics subheading changed to /pharmacology. 1987 Oct:10; 1988 Mar:36

Pharmacokinetics (PK) added as a subheading. 1987 Oct:10; 1988 Mar:35

Pharmacological Action Tree Changes. 1995 Sep-Oct:9

Pharmacology (PHCY) Category in HSDB and TDB. 1985 Nov:16

Pharmacology subheading replacing /pharmacodynamics. 1987 Oct:10; 1988 Mar:36

Phone facts - MNP modems & 9600 access. 1990 Nov-Dec:18

Phones List. 1982 Aug:App; 1983 Jan:App; 1983 Oct:App; 1984 Feb:App; 1984 Sep:App; 1985 Jan:App; 1985 Apr:App; 1985 Aug:Enc; 1986 Jan:enclosure; 1986 Jun:enclosure; 1986 Oct:enclosure; 1988 Feb:Enc; 1988 Jun:Enc; 1988 Nov:Enc; 1989 Apr:Enc; 1989 Sep:Enc; 1990 Nov-Dec:Enclosure; 1991 Nov-Dec:4; 1991 Nov-Dec:Enc; 1993 Mar-Apr:5; 1993 Sept-Oct:5; 1994 May-Jun:5

available on GM-BBS & gmedserv or by request mail. 1992 Nov-Dec:4

Erratum in Internet Address of File. 1993 Jul-Aug:4

quarterly distribution. 1980 Aug:4

Phone Numbers

9600 bps access. 1990 Nov-Dec:18

Area codes needed in DC metro area. 1990 Sep-Oct:4

Direct dial changing. 1985 May:4; 1985 Oct:3

ELHILL - access procedures. 1990 Feb:103; 1991 Jan-Feb:113; 1991 May-Jun:Appendix A

FTS2000, new number. 1996 May-Jun:2

MNP modems. 1990 Nov-Dec:18

PDQ - access procedures. 1990 Feb:105; 1991 Jan-Feb:115; 1991 May-Jun:Appendix A

Phone numbers - toll-free

Scripts for Accessing MEDLARS with Microcomputers. 1991 May-Jun:7




Physicians Data Query see PDQ

PL (City of Publication)

SERLINE. 1990 Jul:6

Plagiarism - heading. 1990 Feb:71

PLV (Permanent Paper Level) Field. 1994 Nov-Dec:19

Pneumocystis Carinii, tree number change from sporozoa to fungi. 1989 Nov:3


medical treatment data in HSDB. 1989 Feb:60

Source of data in EMT field in HSDB. 1990 Jan:5

data deleted form HSDB. 1988 Jan:4

Poison Control Centers (PCC) subfile in DIRLINE. 1986 Aug:4; 1986 Sep:12

Poisonous Plants Bibliography Subfile

available on TOXLINE. 1987 Oct:3

delayed. 1987 Aug:4

Pollution Prevention Act of 1990. 1994 Jul-Aug:25

Polymerase Chain Reaction, new MeSH heading. 1990 Jan:3


Portraits. 1986 Apr:15

Possible Data Loss message

Using Telenet. 1990 May:4

Post Partum Period, Gold, Standard Searches. 1989 Nov:17

PNT (Permanent Paper Notice) Field. 1994 Nov-Dec:19

PP (Permanent Paper) Field. 1994 Nov-Dec:19

Practice Credit Extended. 1989 May:3

Practice Guidelines - New PT. 1991 Sep-Oct:18

Practice Time Credit for New Codes. 1993 Jan-Feb:4

Pregnancy check tag, update. 1988 Mar:33


Advance MEDLINE Database Forthcoming. 1996 May-Jun:4

Database Available. 1996 Jul-Aug:1

[In Process Citation]. 1996 Jul-Aug:1

Searching PREMEDLINE. 1996 Jul-Aug:1

Unique Identifier. 1996 Jul-Aug:1

Unit Record. 1996 Jul-Aug:1

View Journal's Table of Contents. 1996 Jul-Aug:6

Preservation Data Added to CATLINE. 1991 May-Jun:35

Preservation microfilming records added to SERLINE. 1988 Mar:10




AR format, POPLINE. 1982 Jan:3

catalog card, CC. 1979 May:3

changes due to online sort. 1989 Oct:28


COMPRESSED, reminder of usage. 1979 Aug:3

PRINT BROWSE. 1986 Nov:1

Print Compute. 1991 Mar-Apr:29


Printgroups in TOXNET. 1986 Feb:11



large output/pick-up at NLM. 1985 May:5

Prints and Photographs Collection. 1994 Jul-Aug:33


MEDLINE changes. 1985 Aug:1

Toxline options. 1985 May:15

TOXNET commands. 1985 Sep:12

PRINT TRUNCATED AT 1165 CITATIONS message. 1989 Jul:5

PRIORITY system of access for new users. 1980 Apr:4

Prodrugs, new heading. 1988 Mar:42


Product Line Mangement, searching hint. 1987 Oct:15

PROFILE commands

aliases. 1980 Dec:4

brief description. 1980 Feb:6

demonstration codes, changing. 1981 Aug:3

EXPLAINed online. 1980 Oct:4

hints for use. 1980 Mar:4

pagesize, modifications. 1981 May:3

TOXNET. 1986 Feb:11

Profile Modify Password. 1993 Sept-Oct:46

Profile of Participants. 1991 Jan-Feb:Appendix E


For online printing. 1990 Feb:15

keyword used when sorting online. 1989 Oct:12,26

PROCOMM PLUS Scripts. 1991 May-Jun:7

Prostaglandins X, searching by registry number. 1989 Dec:4

Protocol data query, see PDQ. 1982 Sep:6


Standard Therapies in PDQ. 1988 Jan:4

Proximity Searching

Delayed. 1994 Nov-Dec:6


PRS (Preservation Action Note)

Added to CATLINE. 1991 May-Jun:35

PRT Command Enhancements. 1987 Nov:7


alias for PRINT COMPRESSED. 1986 Nov:3

PRT LO command for CATLINE. 1988 Apr:4

Public Data Network

access instructions. 1989 May:29

Publication Types (PT)

Publication Types (PT). 1990 Sep-Oct:21; 1990 Sep-Oct:Appendix F

Changed Publication Types. 1992 Sep-Oct:20; 1993 Jan-Feb:8; 1994 Sep-Oct:13; 1995 Sep-Oct:19

1992 - List. 1991 Sep-Oct:3; 1991 Sep-Oct:Appendix G

Bibliography, Dictionary, Directory no longer printed. 1995 Jan-Feb:6

Controlled Clinical Trial added. 1996 Sep-Oct:1

File Maintenance Using Revised Publication Type (PT) Definitions. 1992 Mar-Apr:12

Genre Terms added to Publication Type. 1996 Sep-Oct:5

Practice Guideline (PT) Added. 1992 Jan-Feb:58

Practice Guidelines - New 1992. 1991 Sep-Oct:18; 1991 Nov-Dec:4

Randomized Controlled Trial added. 1996 Sep-Oct:1

Retrospective Addition of Values. 1991 Sep-Oct:12

Scientific Integrity Review (PT). 1993 Nov-Dec:3

Year-End Processing


Puerperium change in indexing. 1987 Oct:11

Purchase Orders.

NTIS MEDLARS accounts. 1985 Nov:4

PURGING offsearch, procedure. 1980 Apr:3


procedure. 1980 Apr:3

request during office hours, reminder. 1981 Apr:3


PUZZLE, Boolean Logic. 1981 Jul:4

PUZZLE, Boolean Logic, answer. 1981 Aug:14

PYR (permanent Paper Year) Field. 1994 Nov-Dec:19

NLM Technical Bulletin National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health