U. S. National Library of Medicine
NLMCatalogRecordSet Data in XML Format
The alphabetical list below gives each element's name and the name of the element(s) at the next higher level, in which this element is found.
Elements which are not marked as "found in" one or more specified elements, are located directly below the top element, <NLMCatalogRecord>
<NLMCatalogRecord> is the TOP ELEMENT for new and updated records
- <Abstract>
- <AbstractText>
- In <Abstract>
- In <OtherAbstract>
- <AcquisitionInfo>
<Affiliation>- In <AuthorList>/<Author>
- In <InvestigatorList>/<Investigator>
- <Author>
<DatesAssociatedWithName>- In <AuthorList>/<Author>
- In <PersonalNameSubjectList>/<PersonalNameSubject>
- <DatesOfSerialPublication>
<Day>- in <DateAuthorized>
- in <DateCompleted>
- in <DateCreated>
- in <DateRevised>
- in <DateRevisedMajor>
- <DeleteCatalogRecord>
<ForeName>- In <AuthorList>/<Author>
- In <InvestigatoList>/<Investigator>
- In <PersonalNameSubjectList>/<PersonalNameSubject>
- <Form>
<Initials>- In <AuthorList>/<Author>
- In <Investigator>/<Investigator>
- In <PersonalNameSubjectList>/<PersonalNameSubject>
- <InvestigatorList>
<LastName>- In <AuthorList>/<Author>
- In <InvestigatorList>/<Investigator>
- In <PersonalNameSubjectList>/<PersonalNameSubject>
- <LCCN>
<Month>- In <DateAuthorized>
- In <DateCompleted>
- In <DateCreated>
- In <DateRevised>
- In <DateRevisedMajor>
- <NameID>
<NameQualifier>- In <AuthorList>/<Author>
- In <PersonalNameSubjectList>/<PersonalNameSubject>
- <NCBIIssnAlias>
<NlmUniqueID>- In <NLMCatalogRecord>
- In <DeleteCatalogRecord>
- <OtherAbstract>
<OtherInformation>- In <AuthorList>/<Author>
- In <OtherSubjectList>/<OtherSubject>
- In <PersonalNameSubjectList>/<PersonalNameSubject>
- In <TitleAlternate>
- In <TitleMain>
- In <TitleRelated>
- <OtherSubject>
<Suffix>- In <AuthorList>/<Author>
- In <InvestigatorList>/<Investigator>
- In <PersonalNameSubjectList>/<PersonalNameSubject>
- <Title>
- In <TitleAlternate>
- In <TitleMain>
- In <TitleRelated>
- <TitleAlternate>
<TitleAssociatedWithName>- In <Author>
- In <OtherSubject>/<OtherSubjectList>
- In <PersonalNameSubjectList>/<PersonalNameSubject>
- <TitleMain>
<Year>- In <DateAuthorized>
- In <DateCompleted>
- In <DateCreated>
- In <DateRevised>
- In <DateRevisedMajor>
Alphabetical List of the elements in <DeleteCatalogRecord>
<DeleteCatalogRecord> is the TOP ELEMENT for deleted records
<DeleteCatalogRecord> TOP ELEMENT
Return to CatfilePlus and Serfile in XML Format
Last Reviewed: January 6, 2016