ILL statistics and reports
DOCLINE provides reports on both Borrow and Lend activities as well as Lender Performance.
- Monthly Activity Summary
- Quarterly Detail Reports
- Annual Journal Usage Reports
- Printing and saving reports
Request reports provide data that enables users to make informed choices about their ILL service, ILL partners, and journal subscriptions. Use DOCLINE reports to optimize lending and borrowing, and to make evidence-based collection management decisions.
- To improve speed and efficiency getting articles from other libraries, review any low performance statistics for lenders in report Borrow tables. Low fill rates and slow turnaround times may indicate that you should adjust your Automated Routing Table to include lenders with better performance statistics, update your 'Do Not Route to' List, or may point to over reliance on ‘Direct to Library’ routing.
- To improve your speed and efficiency providing articles to other libraries, review any low performance statistics for borrowers in report Lend tables. Low fill rates may indicate that your library’s journal holdings need updating, especially if many requests are being rejected as ‘Not Owned’. Low fill rates may also result if Borrowers rely on ‘Direct to Library’ routing. If your library has a high rate of Not Receipted requests, turning on Lend Alert emails can help reduce the number of Lend requests your library misses.
NOTE: Because each report type employs different filters, Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual request totals will not always match.
Monthly Activity Summary
The Monthly Activity Summary allows users to view summary statistics and performance data for the previous calendar month's completed Borrow and Lend requests. Only requests completed (filled or retired) within the month are included in the summary.
The Activity Summary data is refreshed every month. The prior two month’s summary data remains available. Earlier data is not retained. Libraries using Activity Summary data for monthly statistics reporting should copy and paste the data into a local spreadsheet for future reference.
LEND Request Statistics |
Routed to Lender | The number of requests that routed to your library to be filled. |
Cancelled Before Receipt |
The number of requests that routed to your library that were cancelled by the Borrower before Lend receipt. |
Expired Before Receipt |
The number of requests that routed to your library that expired due to a Borrower “Need by Date’ before Lend receipt. |
Removed for Non-Receipt | The number of requests re-routed away by Time-Triggered Actions because your library did not receipt them within allotted time. |
Received by Lender |
The number of requests that were receipted by your library. |
Filled | Of Received Requests, the number your library updated as Filled. |
Not Filled | Of Received Requests, the number your library did not Fill. |
Rejected | Of Not Filled Received Requests, the number your library updated with Reject Reasons |
Removed for Non-Action | The number of Received requests re-routed away by Time-Triggered Actions because your library did not update the requests as ‘Filled’ or ‘Rejected’ within allotted time. |
*Exceptions | Requests with incomplete or invalid data that cannot be accurately categorized. Will seldom display. |
LEND Performance Statistics‡ |
Library Fill Rate | The percent of Received Requests that the Lender updated as Filled. |
Days to Process (Filled) | “Turnaround time”, the average time it took for your library to update lend requests as filled. The number is shown in one-hundredths of a day based upon calendar days. 0.00 indicates Lender's average turnaround time for the reporting period is less than 15 minutes. |
Days to Process (Not Filled) | “Turnaround time”, the average time it took for your library to update lend requests as not filled or to be rerouted away for non-activity by the lender. The number is shown in one-hundredths of a day based upon calendar days. |
‡ Lender Performance Statistics (Fill Rate, Days to Process: Filled) display to other libraries in the Lend Information portion of your Library Profile.
BORROW Request Statistics |
Requested | The number of requests placed by your library to be filled by other libraries |
Filled | The number of your library's Requests that were updated as filled by Lenders |
Not Filled | The number of requests placed by your library that retired unfilled. |
BORROW Performance Statistics |
Days to Process (Filled) | “Turnaround time”, the average time it took for lenders to update your requests as filled in DOCLINE. The number is shown in one-hundredths of a day based upon calendar days. |
Days to Process (Not Filled) | “Turnaround time”, the average time it took for your requests to retired unfilled. The number is shown in one-hundredths of a day based upon calendar days. |
Quarterly Reports
Lender Request Detail and Borrow Request Detail Reports
The quarterly reports, “Lender Request Detail" and “Borrower Request Detail” provide an alphabetic list of LIBIDs that borrowed from you, or lent to you, during the period.
- Only requests completed (filled or retired) within the time period are included
Report Frequency:
Reports are posted quarterly.
Report Contents:
Every library that borrowed from your library or lent to you during the period is listed alphabetically by LIBID, grouped by state and country. Statistics include the number of requests, broken down by end status (filled or unfilled), service type (Loan or Copy) and performance metrics for each library.
The Lender and Borrower Request detail reports are very similar, but column headings are slightly different for each version of the report.
Report Availability:
Users have access to the eight (8) most recent quarterly reports. When a new report is generated it will replace the oldest of the listed reports. Users who would like to retain older data should save reports locally as they will no longer be available via DOCLINE.
Statistics Reported: LEND
- Total Requests: #
- From US libraries: #
- From Canadian libraries: #
- From other libraries: #
Table Columns:
- Borrower: LIBID of library who requested from you
- Total Requests*: The number of requests per borrower
- Receipted: The number of requests receipted by your library
- Filled: The number of receipted requests that your library filled
- % Filled: The percent of receipted requests that your library filled
- Not Filled: The number of receipted requests that were not filled by your library
- Not Receipted: The number of requests that routed to your library that were not receipted
- Days to process Filled**: Time elapsed after receipt until your library updated as filled. The average time it took for lender to update requests as filled. The number is shown in one-hundredths of a day based upon calendar days.
- Days to process Not Filled**: Time elapsed after receipt until your library rejected requests. The average time it took for lender to update requests as not filled or to be rerouted away for non-activity by TTA. The number is shown in one-hundredths of a day based upon calendar days.
- Filled Copy/Loan:The number of receipted requests that were filled grouped by service type.
- Not Filled Copy/Loan:The number of receipted requests that were not filled grouped by service type.
The turnaround time is the average for all requests. If the abbreviation “N/A” appears in the “Days to Process” section it indicates that no requests fell into that category during the quarter.
Statistics Reported: BORROW
- Total Routes to Lenders: # [see NOTE]
- Total US libraries: #
- Total Canadian libraries: #
- Total Other: #
Table Columns:
- Lender: LIBID of the library your request(s) routed to
- Requests Routed to Lender*: The number of requests placed by your library that routed to lender
- Receipted: The number of borrow requests receipted by lender
- Number Filled: The number of receipted requests that were filled by lender
- % Filled: The percent of receipted requests that were filled by lender
- Not Filled: The number of receipted requests that were NOT filled by lender
- Not Receipted: The number of requests that routed to the lender that were not receipted
- Days to process Filled**: time elapsed after receipt until lender updated as filled. The average time it took for lender to update requests as filled. The number is shown in one-hundredths of a day based upon calendar days.
- Days to process Not filled**: time elapsed after receipt until lender rejection code. The average time it took for lender to update requests as not filled or to be rerouted away for non-activity by TTA. The number is shown in one-hundredths of a day based upon calendar days.
- Filled Copy/Loan: The number of receipted requests that were filled, grouped by service type.
- Not Filled Copy/Loan: The number of receipted requests that were NOT filled, grouped by service type.
NOTE: A single borrow request can route to multiple lenders before completion so the “Received” and “Not Filled” totals on detailed reports will not always match the totals reported in Activity Summaries for the same time period.
For example, request number 43211234 may be routed to MDUBIX, where it is updated as not filled; it is then rerouted to MDUXXC, where it is also updated as not filled, and finally rerouted to VAUBIJ where it is filled. This request would be represented on this report three times, each time associated with the LIBID of a potential lender (MDUBIX, MDUXXC) as well as with the LIBID of the actual lender (VAUBIJ).
**0.00 indicates Lender's average turnaround time for the reporting period is less than 15 minutes.
Annual Reports
Journal Request Reports
Lend: Titles Filled and Borrow: Titles Requested
The annual Journal Request Reports, “Lend: Titles Filled" and “Borrow: Titles Requested” provide a list of journal titles ranked by the number of times each journal has been requested during the report period.
- Only requests completed (filled or retired) within the time period are included in the report
- This report counts only requests for material from journals that are in NLM’s catalog and that have an NLM Unique Identifier
- Cancelled requests are not included.
Report Frequency:
Cumulative reports are posted annually for two time periods.
- January 1 through December 31 of the same year (“Calendar Year”)
- July 1 through June 30 of the following year (“Academic Year”)
Report Availability:
Users have access to the two (2) most recent annual reports. When a new report is generated it will replace the oldest of the listed reports. Users wanting to retain data should save reports locally as they will no longer be available via DOCLINE.
Report Contents:
Journal Bibliographic Information
- Journal Title
- NLM Unique ID
- Publication Dates
Statistics Reported
- Number of requests
- Number of filled requests
- Number of titles requested
Subtotals by Title:
- Times Requested
- Number Filled
- Article Year (Filled/Requested): broken down by article year and final request status
Saving Reports
Libraries may print reports, save as PDF, or paste data into a spreadsheet for analysis.
For printing:
- Select ONLY the tabular portion of the report, and not report title and summary data at the top
- Once table (only) is selected, right click and choose Print from the menu
- When print dialog displays, the entire width of the table should be visible in landscape or portrait view (depending on your browser)
- Select Print
For spreadsheet:
- Select ONLY the tabular portion of the report, and not report title and summary data at the top
- Once table (only) is selected, right click and choose Copy (or CTL+C)
- Click cursor into single cell in spreadsheet and choose Paste from menu (or CTL+V)
- Save your file