What's New in MeSH
New MeSH Descriptors for 2025 (in progress)
Adaptation Models, Machine | Federated Learning | Nursing Home Residents |
Adolescent Mothers | Generative Adversarial Networks | Patient Access to Records |
Artificial Intelligence | Genetic Algorithms | Patient Acuity |
Athletic Trainers | Health Expenditures | Phobia, School |
Autoencoder | Hidden Markov Models | Pica |
Autonomous Robots | Intelligent Systems | Plain Language Summaries |
Backtracking Algorithms | Lacrosse | Pooled Testing |
Boosting Machine Learning Algorithms | Long Short Term Memory | Price Transparency |
Cellular Neural Networks | Machine Learning Algorithms | Racquet Sports |
Chatbot | Marital Status | Recurrent Neural Networks |
Classification Algorithms | Masculinization | Religion and Psychology |
Claustrophobia | Medical Missions | Sedentary Behavior |
Dental Enamel Hypoplasia | Meta-Research | Social Identification |
Detection Algorithms | Micronesia | Transfer Machine Learning |
Disordered Eating Behavior | Motorized Mobility Scooter | Work-Life Balance |
Dissent and Disputes | Multiple-Instance Learning Algorithms |
Last Reviewed: December 18, 2023