This page will be discontinued with the May 2022AA release.
Only sources that are new or have had changes are linked. Click on the source name to view detailed information. Detailed information is available on New and Updated Sources - Expanded Representation Information.
New Sources (2)
New Source Name | New Source VSAB | New Source RSAB |
Race & Ethnicity - CDC, 1.2 | CDCREC_1.2 | CDCREC |
Childhood Cancer Predisposition Study Terminology, 2102D | NCI2021_CCPS_2102D | NCI_CCPS |
Updated Sources (107)
Updated Source Name | Updated Source VSAB | Updated Source RSAB |
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System, ATC_2021 | ATC_2021_21_09_07 | ATC |
Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature, 2022 | CDT2022 | CDT |
Vaccines Administered, 2017_02_08, 2021_08_25 | CVX_2021_08_25 | CVX |
DrugBank, 5.0_2016_06_22, 5.0_2021_08_03 | DRUGBANK5.0_2021_08_03 | DRUGBANK |
Gene Ontology, 2021_05_01 | GO2021_05_01 | GO |
Gold Standard Drug Database, 2021_08_06 | GS_2021_08_06 | GS |
HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee, 2021_03 | HGNC2021_03 | HGNC |
HL7 Vocabulary Version 3.0, 2021_03 | HL7V3.0_2021_03 | HL7V3.0 |
Human Phenotype Ontology, 2021_06_08 | HPO2021_06_08 | HPO |
International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition, Clinical Modification, 2022 | ICD10CM_2022 | ICD10CM |
ICD-10-PCS, 2022 | ICD10PCS_2022 | ICD10PCS |
LOINC, German, Austria Edition, 271 | LNC-DE-AT_271 | LNC-DE-AT |
LOINC, German, Germany Edition, 271 | LNC-DE-DE_271 | LNC-DE-DE |
LOINC, Greek, Greece Edition, 271 | LNC-EL-GR_271 | LNC-EL-GR |
LOINC, Spanish, Argentina Edition, 271 | LNC-ES-AR_271 | LNC-ES-AR |
LOINC, Spanish, Spain Edition, 271 | LNC-ES-ES_271 | LNC-ES-ES |
LOINC, Estonian, Estonia Edition, 271 | LNC-ET-EE_271 | LNC-ET-EE |
LOINC, French, Belgium Edition, 271 | LNC-FR-BE_271 | LNC-FR-BE |
LOINC, French, Canada Edition, 271 | LNC-FR-CA_271 | LNC-FR-CA |
LOINC, French, France Edition, 271 | LNC-FR-FR_271 | LNC-FR-FR |
LOINC, Italian, Italy Edition, 271 | LNC-IT-IT_271 | LNC-IT-IT |
LOINC, Korean, Korea Edition, 271 | LNC-KO-KR_271 | LNC-KO-KR |
LOINC, Dutch, Netherlands Edition, 271 | LNC-NL-NL_271 | LNC-NL-NL |
LOINC, Portuguese, Brazil Edition, 271 | LNC-PT-BR_271 | LNC-PT-BR |
LOINC, Russian, Russia Edition, 271 | LNC-RU-RU_271 | LNC-RU-RU |
LOINC, Turkish, Turkey Edition, 271 | LNC-TR-TR_271 | LNC-TR-TR |
LOINC, Chinese, China Edition, 271 | LNC-ZH-CN_271 | LNC-ZH-CN |
LOINC, 271 | LNC271 | LNC |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), 24.0 | MDR24_0 | MDR |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), Brazilian Portuguese Edition, 24.0 | MDRBPO24_0 | MDRBPO |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), Czech Edition, 24.0 | MDRCZE24_0 | MDRCZE |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), Dutch Edition, 24.0 | MDRDUT24_0 | MDRDUT |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), French Edition, 24.0 | MDRFRE24_0 | MDRFRE |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), German Edition, 24.0 | MDRGER24_0 | MDRGER |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), Hungarian Edition, 24.0 | MDRHUN24_0 | MDRHUN |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), Italian Edition, 24.0 | MDRITA24_0 | MDRITA |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), Japanese Edition, 24.0 | MDRJPN24_0 | MDRJPN |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), Korean Edition, 24.0 | MDRKOR24_0 | MDRKOR |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), Portuguese Edition, 24.0 | MDRPOR24_0 | MDRPOR |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), Russian Edition, 24.0 | MDRRUS24_0 | MDRRUS |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), Spanish Edition, 24.0 | MDRSPA24_0 | MDRSPA |
Medication Reference Terminology, 2021_09_07 | MED-RT_2021_09_07 | MED-RT |
MEDCIN, 3_2021_07_19 | MEDCIN3_2021_07_19 | MEDCIN |
Multum MediSource Lexicon, 2021_08_01 | MMSL_2021_08_01 | MMSL |
Micromedex RED BOOK, 2021_08_02 | MMX_2021_08_02 | MMX |
Medical Subject Headings, 2022_2021_07_20 | MSH2022_2021_07_20 | MSH |
German translation of the Medical Subject Headings, 2021 | MSHGER2021 | MSHGER |
Descritores em Ciencias da Saude (Portuguese translation of the Medical Subject Headings), 2021 | MSHPOR2021 | MSHPOR |
Descritores en Ciencias de la Salud (Spanish translation of the Medical Subject Headings), 2021 | MSHSPA2021 | MSHSPA |
Swedish translation of the Medical Subject Headings, 2021 | MSHSWE2021 | MSHSWE |
Metathesaurus CMS Formulary Reference File, MTHCMSFRF_2020 | MTHCMSFRF_2020_21_09_07 | MTHCMSFRF |
Metathesaurus FDA Structured Product Labels, 2021_08_27 | MTHSPL_2021_08_27 | MTHSPL |
Manufacturers of Vaccines, 2021_09_07 | MVX2021_09_07 | MVX |
NCBI Taxonomy, 2021_05_25 | NCBI2021_05_25 | NCBI |
NCI Thesaurus, 2021_02D | NCI2021_02D | NCI |
American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Clinical Data Terminology, 2102D | NCI2021_ACC-AHA_2102D | NCI_ACC-AHA |
Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group Model, 2102D | NCI2021_BRIDG_2102D | NCI_BRIDG |
Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group Model, 3.0.3, 2102D | NCI2021_BRIDG_3_0_3_2102D | NCI_BRIDG_3_0_3 |
Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group Model, 5.3, 2102D | NCI2021_BRIDG_5_3_2102D | NCI_BRIDG_5_3 |
BioCarta online maps of molecular pathways, adapted for NCI use, 2102D | NCI2021_BioC_2102D | NCI_BioC |
Chemical Biology and Drug Development Vocabulary, 2102D | NCI2021_CBDD_2102D | NCI_CBDD |
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2102D | NCI2021_CDC_2102D | NCI_CDC |
CDISC Glossary Terminology, 2102D | NCI2021_CDISC-GLOSS_2102D | NCI_CDISC-GLOSS |
Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, 2102D | NCI2021_CDISC_2102D | NCI_CDISC |
Cellosaurus, 2102D | NCI2021_CELLOSAURUS_2102D | NCI_CELLOSAURUS |
Cancer Research Center of Hawaii Nutrition Terminology, 2102D | NCI2021_CRCH_2102D | NCI_CRCH |
Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, 2102D | NCI2021_CTCAE_2102D | NCI_CTCAE |
Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events 3.0, 2102D | NCI2021_CTCAE_3_2102D | NCI_CTCAE_3 |
Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events 5.0, 2102D | NCI2021_CTCAE_5_2102D | NCI_CTCAE_5 |
Clinical Trial Data Commons, 2102D | NCI2021_CTDC_2102D | NCI_CTDC |
Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program - Simple Disease Classification, 2102D | NCI2021_CTEP-SDC_2102D | NCI_CTEP-SDC |
Clinical Trials Reporting Program, 2102D | NCI2021_CTRP_2102D | NCI_CTRP |
Content Archive Resource Exchange Lexicon, 2102D | NCI2021_CareLex_2102D | NCI_CareLex |
NCI Division of Cancer Prevention Program, 2102D | NCI2021_DCP_2102D | NCI_DCP |
Digital Imaging Communications in Medicine, 2102D | NCI2021_DICOM_2102D | NCI_DICOM |
NCI Developmental Therapeutics Program, 2102D | NCI2021_DTP_2102D | NCI_DTP |
European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare, 2102D | NCI2021_EDQM-HC_2102D | NCI_EDQM-HC |
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2102D | NCI2021_FDA_2102D | NCI_FDA |
Global Alignment of Immunization Safety Assessment in pregnancy, 2102D | NCI2021_GAIA_2102D | NCI_GAIA |
NCI Genomic Data Commons Terms, 2102D | NCI2021_GDC_2102D | NCI_GDC |
Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes (GENC) Standard Edition 1, 2102D | NCI2021_GENC_2102D | NCI_GENC |
NCI Integrated Canine Data Commons Terms, 2102D | NCI2021_ICDC_2102D | NCI_ICDC |
International Conference on Harmonization, 2102D | NCI2021_ICH_2102D | NCI_ICH |
International Neonatal Consortium, 2102D | NCI2021_INC_2102D | NCI_INC |
Jackson Laboratories Mouse Terminology, adapted for NCI use, 2102D | NCI2021_JAX_2102D | NCI_JAX |
KEGG Pathway Database, 2102D | NCI2021_KEGG_2102D | NCI_KEGG |
NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms, 2102D | NCI2021_NCI-GLOSS_2102D | NCI_NCI-GLOSS |
NCI HUGO Gene Nomenclature, 2102D | NCI2021_NCI-HGNC_2102D | NCI_NCI-HGNC |
NCI Health Level 7, 2102D | NCI2021_NCI-HL7_2102D | NCI_NCI-HL7 |
National Council for Prescription Drug Programs, 2102D | NCI2021_NCPDP_2102D | NCI_NCPDP |
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 2102D | NCI2021_NICHD_2102D | NCI_NICHD |
Pediatric Cancer Data Commons, 2102D | NCI2021_PCDC_2102D | NCI_PCDC |
Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System, 2102D | NCI2021_PI-RADS_2102D | NCI_PI-RADS |
National Cancer Institute Nature Pathway Interaction Database, 2102D | NCI2021_PID_2102D | NCI_PID |
Registry Nomenclature Information System, 2102D | NCI2021_RENI_2102D | NCI_RENI |
Unified Code for Units of Measure, 2102D | NCI2021_UCUM_2102D | NCI_UCUM |
Zebrafish Model Organism Database, 2102D | NCI2021_ZFin_2102D | NCI_Zfin |
Cancer Data Standards Registry and Repository, 2102D | NCI2021_caDSR_2102D | NCI_caDSR |
FDB MedKnowledge (formerly NDDF Plus), 2021_08_11 | NDDF_2021_08_11 | NDDF |
Neuronames Brain Hierarchy, 2021_05_25 | NEU2021_05_25 | NEU |
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, 2021_07_21 | OMIM2021_07_21 | OMIM |
RxNorm Vocabulary, 20AA_210907F | RXNORM_20AA_210907F | RXNORM |
SNOMED Clinical Terms, Spanish Language Edition, 2021_04_30 | SCTSPA_2021_04_30 | SCTSPA |
US Edition of SNOMED CT, 2021_09_01 | SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01 | SNOMEDCT_US |
Veterinary Extension to SNOMED CT, 2021_04_01 | SNOMEDCT_VET_2021_04_01 | SNOMEDCT_VET |
USP Compendial Nomenclature, 2021_07_15 | USP_2021_07_15_21_09_07 | USP |
Veterans Health Administration National Drug File, 2021_07_30 | VANDF_2021_07_30 | VANDF |
Last Reviewed: October 29, 2021