Appendix 4 - RxNorm Attributes
ATN | Description | ATV | ATV Example(s) |
AMBIGUITY_FLAG | Attribute of atom that has been duplicated; Original atom is "Base" and duplicate atoms are "Duplicate" | "Base" or "Duplicate" | Base Duplicate |
NDC | National Drug Code (NDC) value normalized from source-asserted NDC | 11-digit, no dashes, HIPAA formatted normalized NDC | 58016069367 00781199213 |
ORIG_AMBIGUITY_FLAG | Attribute of original source atom that was duplicated while before becoming obsolete; Only found in RXNSATOCD | "Base" | Base |
ORIG_CODE | Source code (CODE) of original source atom from which RxNorm concept was created; Only found in RXNSATOCD, except for some DF and ET atom attributes in RXNSAT which were originally from HL7 | CODE | HL7T096 U000013 |
ORIG_SOURCE | Source abbreviation (SAB) of original source atom from which RxNorm concept was created; Only found in RXNSATOCD, except for some DF and ET atom attributes in RXNSAT which were originally from HL7 | SAB | NDDF MDDB |
ORIG_TTY | Term type (TTY) of original source atom from which RxNorm concept was created; Only found in RXNSATOCD | TTY | FN CDD |
ORIG_VSAB | Versioned source abbreviation (VSAB) of original source atom from which RxNorm concept was created; Only found in RXNSATOCD | VSAB | GS_2008_02_07 MTHSPL_2010_04_02 |
RXN_ACTIVATED | Date when an atom was reactivated from SUPPRESS=O to SUPPRESS=N | Date | 01/28/2010 11/02/2007 |
RXN_AVAILABLE_STRENGTH | Strength value of SCDG and SBDG atoms for all available strengths of an ingredient at the SCD/SBD level; Also strength value of SCD and SBD atoms | Number followed by a unit of measure | 10 MG/ML 0.154 MEQ/ML |
RXN_BN_CARDINALITY | Attribute of BN atom that refers to the number of ingredients it contains | "single" or "multi" | single multi |
RXN_HUMAN_DRUG | Attribute of BPCK, GPCK, SBD, SCD, or BN atom intended for human use and the country in which the drug is marketed for that purpose; Only applied for US drugs at this time | International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3166-1-alpha-2 country code | US |
RXN_IN_EXPRESSED_FLAG | Attribute of SCDC atom that is expressed as precise ingredient (TTY=PIN); SCDC atom will have RELA=has_precise_ingredient to a TTY=PIN atom in RXNREL | "P" | P |
RXN_OBSOLETED | Date when an atom was changed from SUPPRESS=N to SUPPRESS=O; Attribute of BPCK, GPCK, SBD, SCD, SBDC, SCDC, SBDF, SCDF, or DF atom that has no source-asserted atoms and no relationships to SUPPRESS=N atoms | Date | 09/14/2005 08/30/2007 |
RXN_QUANTITY | Factors of time, measures or strength attributed to SCD and SBD atoms | Number followed by a unit measure; Could be a strength, unit of time, or quantity of dosages | 12 HR 120 ACTUAT |
RXN_STRENGTH | Strength value of SCDC atoms | Number followed by a unit of measure | 250000 UNT 0.00833 MG/HR |
RXN_VET_DRUG | Attribute of BPCK, GPCK, SBD, SCD, or BN atom intended for veterinary use and the country in which the drug is marketed for that purpose; Only applied for US drugs at this time | International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3166-1-alpha-2 country code | US |
RXTERM_FORM | Drug application interface-friendly dose form attribute of SCD and SBD atoms | Dose form string | Tab Gel |
UMLSAUI | Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) atom unique identifier (AUI) applied to atom during the most recent UMLS release | UMLS AUI | A15550595 A1537190 |
UMLSCUI | Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) concept unique identifier (CUI) applied to atom during the most recent UMLS release | UMLS CUI | C1176718 C1599949 |
Last Reviewed: January 5, 2015