A value set expansion is the enumerated list of codes and their corresponding terms that result from the author's value set definition as calculated using an expansion profile, selected by the author or steward. The expansion profile specifies the code system versions (ex. RxNorm 2023-09), code status (active/inactive codes), and if legacy/retired codes are included. The default expansion profile consists of the most recent code system versions available in VSAC, only includes active codes, and does not include legacy/retired codes.
Trial Expansion and Validation
Trial expansions provide a method for authors and stewards to analyze their value set expansion prior to their decision to publish their expansion.
Trial Expansion
- In Authoring, select a value set OID.
- Select the Expansion/Publication tab.
- Select your desired expansion profile, code system version, or code system version in VSAC.
- Select Trial Expansion above the Expansion Schedule table.
Validate provides a status (active, inactive, or invalid). Validate to fully understand the statuses of the codes you defined, before you Expand/Publish your value set. Validate provides a status (active, inactive, or invalid) for each code you defined, as well as Remap Info in case the source terminology has remapped your defined code to a new code.
- In Authoring, select a value set OID.
- Select Validate on the left side of the screen.
- After selecting Validate, the code validation dialogue box will appear.
- Ensure that all the expansion filters are correct, select Validate.
- After selecting Validate, the Validated Code List will populate at the bottom of the Code Validation dialog box.
- Select Export Validation Details to view your validation results in an Excel file.
Expand/Publish your value set definition based on an expansion profile that you select.
- In Authoring, select a value set OID.
- Select the Expansion/Publication tab.
- In the "Calculate expansion based on" section, select your preferences from the following choices in the drop-down menu:
- Expansion Profile
- Code System Version in VSAC as of
- Code System Version
- Select the Expand/Publish button above the Expansion Schedule table.
This will publish your value set expansion in the VSAC public repository, Search Value Sets. Your expansion, called a Steward Expansion, will be permanent and versioned and will not change automatically with periodic code updates.
Last Reviewed: March 11, 2024