The following changes were made:
The nlmcatalogrecordset_160101.dtd used for the 2016 production year:
- Changed nlmcatalogrecordset_150101.dtd to nlmcatalogrecordset_160101.dtd.
- Add ISSN? (optional and not repeatable) as a child element to TitleRelated.
- In the IndexingStatus attribute, change the value “Continued-by-another-indexed-title” to “Continued-by-another-title”
The nlmcatalogrecordset_150101.dtd used for the 2015 production year:
- Changed nlmcatalogrecordset_140101.dtd to nlmcatalogrecordset_150101.dtd.
- Deleted ChemicalList envelope including all associated subelements: Chemical, RegistryNumber, and NameOfSubstance.
- Added UI attribute to MeSH related elements: DescriptorName, QualifierName, and PublicationType.
- Deleted TitleOther element.
- Moved Sort attribute from TitleMain to Title.
- Created TitleAlternate envelope with
- pre-existing subelements Title, MaterialSpecified, and OtherInformation,
- pre-existing Owner attribute, and
- TitleType attribute with values: Former, Key, Other, OtherTA, Translated, Undetermined, and Uniform.
- Created TitleRelated envelope with
- pre-existing subelements Title and OtherInformation,
- new RecordID element with Source attribute (values NLM, LC, and OCLC), and
- TitleType attribute with values: Absorbed, AbsorbedBy, AbsorbedInPart, AbsorbedInPartBy, Analytic, MergedTo, MergerOf, Other, Preceding, PrecedingInPart, Related, Reversion, Series, SeriesAuthority, SplitFrom, SplitTo, Succeeding, SucceedingInPart, SupersededBy, SupersededInPartBy, Supersedes, SupersedesInPart, Translated, and Undetermined.
- Deleted the preface note concerning the use of "Medline" in element names and inserted a related comment in the DTD above the MedlineTA element.
- Deleted the value “Date-range-of-indexed-citations-unspecified” from the attribute IndexingStatus, under the element IndexingSourceName.
The nlmcatalogrecordset_140101.dtd used for the 2014 production year:
- Changed nlmcatalogrecordset_130101.dtd to nlmcatalogrecordset_140101.dtd
The nlmcatalogrecordset_130101.dtd used for the 2013 production year:
- Changed nlmcatalogrecordset_120101.dtd to nlmcatalogrecordset_130101.dtd
- Added CopyrightDate to PublicationInfo Element
- Changed NameID Element to Identifier Element
- Changed Publisher Element to Entity Element
- Moved Place, Entity and DateIssued to Imprint Element
- Added ImprintFull to Imprint Element
- Removed Place ImprintType attribute
- Removed Entity ImprintType attribute
- Removed DateIssued ImprintType attribute
- Added new FunctionType attribute with valid values to Imprint Element
- Changed Imprint ImprintType attribute to required
- Added ResourceCharacteristics to NLMCatalogRecord Element
- Added new Format attribute with valid values to ResourceCharacteristics Element
- Added BookFormat, Generation and Polarity to PhysicalDescription Element
The nlmcatalogrecordset_120101.dtd used for the 2012 production year:
- Changed nlmcatalogrecordset_110101.dtd to nlmcatalogrecordset_120101.dtd
- Added Role to Author Element
- Added new Coded attribute to Role Element
- Deleted LanguageAlternate Element
- Moved LangType attribute to Language Element and added new valid value Primary
- Added Resource to ResourceInfo Element
- Moved ContentType, MediaType and CarrierType from ResourceInfo to Resource Element
- Made ContentType, MediaType, CarrierType repeatable optional elements
- Added MaterialSpecified to TitleOther Element
- Deleted Affiliation from the NLMCatalogRecord Element
- Deleted valid value Currently-indexed-Title-changed for IndexingStatus attribute of IndexingSourceName Element
- Added new NLMCatalogRecord Status attribute valid value Withdrawn
The nlmcatalogrecordset_110101.dtd used for the 2011 production year:
- Changed nlmcatalogrecordset_100101.dtd to nlmcatalogrecordset_110101.dtd
- Removed NLMIndexNote from nlmcatalogrecord
- Added NameID element to Author
- Added Type attribute to DescriptorName
- Added new value of Captions to LangType Attribute
- Changed NoteType attribute value Usage to CopyrightStatus
- Added a new value of CopyrightHolder to NoteType attribute
The nlmcatalogrecordset_100101.dtdused for the 2010 production year:
- The nlmcatalogrecord and nlmmedlinecitation have been used as a base
- The nlmcommon and sharedcatcit external entities have been merged in this DTD
- No internal DTD entity references are used
- Added BoundWith, Dissertation and LinkComplexNote to the NoteType attribute
- Added ContentType, MediaType and CarrierType to ResourceInfo
- Added AbsorbedInPart and AbsorbedInPartBy to the TitleType attribute
- Removed FirstName and MiddleName from Author,Investigator and PersonalNameSubject
- Removed Hour, Minute and Second from DateAuthorized, DateCompleted, DateCreated, DateRevised and DateRevisedMajor
- Removed CopyrightInformation from Abstract
- Removed ValidYN attribute for Author
- Removed DOI value from EIDType attribute
- Removed Article, ArticleTitle, VernacularTitle and ArticleDate
- Removed Journal, JournalIssue, ISOAbbreviation, Volume, Issue, PubDate and Season
- Removed Book, CollectionTitle and Volume
- Removed DataBankList, DataBank, DataBankName, AccessionNumberList and AccessionNumber
- Removed GrantList, Grant, GrantID, Acronym and Agency
- Removed Pagination, StartPage, EndPage and MedlinePgn
- Removed NCBIArticle, PMID and MedlineJournalInfo
- ForeName made optional in Author, Investigator and PersonalNameSubject
The nlmcatalogrecord_090101.dtd used for the 2009 production year:
- Changed entity reference from "nlmsharedcatcit_080101.dtd" to: "nlmsharedcatcit_090101.dtd"
- Added PrecedingInPart, SupersedesInPart, SucceedingInPart, SupersededInPartBy values to entity TitleType
The nlmcatalogrecord_080101.dtd used for the 2008 production year:
- Changed entity reference from "nlmsharedcatcit_070101.dtd" to: "nlmsharedcatcit_080101.dtd"
- Changed ElectronicAccessList to ELocationList
- Changed ElectronicAddress to ELocationID
- Changed ElectronicAccess to ELocation
- Added entity EIdType with doi and url values
- Added element ISSNLinking with attribute ValidYN to NLMCatalogRecord element
The nlmcatalogrecord_070101.dtd used for the 2007 production year:
- Changed entity reference from "nlmsharedcatcit_060101.dtd" to: "nlmsharedcatcit_070101.dtd"
- Added CIT value to Owner and Source entities--CIT is NIH's Center for Information Technology, with which NLM is working to provide better access to streaming videos of NIH events
- Added NoteType attribute to GeneralNote element--this new attribute will be used to add specificity to certain types of <GeneralNote> so that they can be individually labeled in the NLMCatalog display
- Added IHM value to Owner and Source entities
The nlmcatalogrecord_060101.dtd used for the 2006 production year:
- Changed entity reference from "nlmsharedcatcit_041101.dtd" to: "nlmsharedcatcit_060101.dtd"
- Added external entity value of PublicationType.Ref
- Removed FullyIndexedYN from IndexingSource Name element
- Added IndexingTreatment attribute to IndexingSource Name element
- Added SubjectType attribute to OtherSubjectName element
The nlmcatalogrecord_041101.dtd used for the 2005 production year:
- Changed entity reference from "nlmsharedcatcit_031101.dtd" to: "nlmsharedcatcit_041101.dtd"
- Added Absorbed, AbsorbedBy, MergedTo, MergerOf, Reversion, SplitFrom, SplitTo, SupersededBy and Supersedes to the values in TitleType
The nlmcatalogrecord_031101.dtd was the initial version of this DTD. It was introduced in April 2004 and used for the remainder of the 2004 production year.
Last Reviewed: July 26, 2017