Concordance P1 - P29
P 1
P 1.1
P 2
P 3
P 4
Alfāz al-adwiyah (
Pharmacological Dictionary)
الفاظ الادويه by Nūr al-Dīn Mu
ḥammad ‘Abd Allāh ibn
ḥakīm ‘Ayn al-Mulk Qurayshī
Shīrāzī نور الدين محمد عبد الله ابن حكيم عين الملك قريشى شيرازى
P 5
P 5.1
P 6
P 7
P 8
P 9
P 10
P 11
- Item 1 Khulāṣat al-tajārib (The Summary of Experience) خلاصة
التجارب by Bahā’ al-Dīn [or Bahā’ al-Dawlah] ibn Sirāj al-Dīn Shāh Qāsim ibn Muḥammad al-Ḥusaynī Nūrbakhshī بهاء الدين [بهاء الدوله] ابن سراج الدين شاه قاسم ابن محمد الحسينى نوربخشى
- Item 2 Qarābādhīn (Formulary) قراباذين by Aḥmad ibn Farrukh احمد ابن فرخ
- Item 3 [On Theriac], anonymous and untitled
P 11.1
P 12
Makhzan al-adviyah (
The Storehouse of Medicaments)
مخزن الادوية [from
Jāmi‘ al-javāmi‘-i Muḥammad-Shāhī (
The Compendium of Summaries for Muhammad Shah)
جامع الجوامع محمد شاهى by
Ḥakīm Mu
ḥammad Hāshim ibn
Ḥakīm Mu
ḥammad Hādī Qalandar ibn Muzaffar al-Dīn ‘Alavī Shīrāzī
‘Alavī Khān حكيم محمد هاشم ابن حكيم محمد هادى قلندر ابن مظفر الدين علوى شيرازى علوى خان نواب معتمد الملوك]
P 13
Mufarriḥ al-qulūb (
The Rejoicing of the Heart)
مفرح القلوب by Mu
ḥammad Akbar ibn Mīr
Ḥajjī Mu
Muqīm, known as
Muḥammad Arzānī محمد اكبر ابن مير حاجى محمد مقيم عرف بمحمد ارزانى
P 14
P 14.1
Qarābādīn-i Qādirī (
The Qādirī Formulary)
قرابادين قادري by Mu
ḥammad Akbar ibn Mīr
Ḥajjī Mu
ḥammad Muqīm, known as
Muḥammad Arzānī محمد اكبر ابن مير حاجى محمد مقيم عرف بمحمد ارزانى
P 15
P 16
Kitāb Salāmān va Absāl (The Book of Salāmān and Absāl)
كتاب سلامان و ابسال by Nūr al-Din ‘Abd al-Ra
ḥmān A
ḥmad ibn Mu
Jāmī نور الدين عبد الرحمن احمد ابن محمد جامى
P 16.1
P 17
P 18
Tashrīḥ-i badan-i insān (
The Anatomy of the Human Body)
تشريح بدن انسانby Man
ṣūr ibn Mu
ḥammad ibn A
ḥmad ibn Yūsuf
Ibn Ilyās منصور ابن محمد ابن احمد ابن يوسف ابن الياس
P 19
Tashrīḥ-i badan-i insān (
The Anatomy of the Human Body)
تشريح بدن انسان by Man
ṣūr ibn Mu
ḥammad ibn A
ḥmad ibn Yūsuf
Ibn Ilyās منصور ابن محمد ابن احمد ابن يوسف ابن الياس
P 20
P 21
P 22
P 23
P 24
P 25
- Item 1 Jam‘-i Zakhīrah-i Khvārazm’Shāhī (The Treasure of Khvarazm’Shah) جمع ذخيره خوارزم شاهى by Ismā‘īl ibn Muḥammad al-Ḥusayn al-Jurjānī اسماعيل
بن محمد الحسين الجرجانى, fragment
- Item 2 Jawāhir al-maqāl (The Gems of Discourse) جواهر المقال by ‘Alī ibn shaykh Muḥammad ibn ‘Abd al-Raḥmān على ابن شيخ محمد ابن عبد الرحمان
- Item 3 Kitāb Ḥifz
al-ṣiḥḥah manzūm (The Maintenance of Health, Versified) كتاب حفظ الصحه منظوم possibly by Ismā‘īl ibn Muḥammad al-Ḥusayn al-Jurjānī اسماعيل
بن محمد الحسين الجرجانى
- Item 4 Kitab Bur' al-sā‘ah manzūm (Cure in an Hour, Versified) كتاب برؤ الساعه منظوم, anonymous
- Item 5 Kitāb Qānūnchah-i manzūm (The "Qānūnchah" in Verse) كتاب قانوﭼﻪ منظوم, anonymous
- Item 6 ‘Ilāj-i va-‘alāmat-i dā' al-asad (The Treatment and Symptoms of Leontiasis) علاج وعلامات داء الاسد, anonymous
- Item 7 [Turkish poem with interlinear Persian commentary], anonymous and untitled
- Item 8 [poem on regimen and therapy], anonymous and untitled
- Item 9 Faṣl dar fawā'id mufradāt (Chapter on the Principles of Materia Medica) فصل در فوايد مفردات, anonymous
- marginal item: Kitāb Ḥifz al-ṣiḥḥah (The Book on the Maintenance of Health) كتاب حفظ الصحة, anonymous
P 26
P 27
P 28
P 29
‘Ajā’ib al-makhlūqāt wa-gharā’ib al-mawjūdāt (
Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing)
كتاب عجائب المخلوقات وغرائب الموجودات by
Zakarīyā’ ibn Muḥammad al-Qazwīnī زكرياء ابن محمد القزوينى
marginal items:
- marginal item 1 Dar haqiqat-i ‘alam (On the Explanation of the Universe) در حقيقت عالم, anonymous
- marginal item 2 Risālah-i qiyāfah (Essay on Physiogonomy) رساله قيافه by Sayyid ‘Alī Hamdānī سيد على همدانى
- marginal item 3 Risālah-i ḥifz al-ṣiḥḥah (An Essay on the Preservation of Health) رساله حفظ الصحة by Ismā‘īl ibn Muḥammad al-Ḥusayn al-Jurjānī اسماعيل بن محمد الحسين الجرجانى
- marginal item 4 Muqaddimah-i nabz (Introductory Treatise on the Pulse) مقدمه نبض, anonymous
- marginal item 5 Muqqadimah-i ‘ishq (Introductory Treatise on Lovesickness) مقدمه عشق, anonymous
- marginal item 6 Risālah-i sharḥ-i pat (Treatise on Starch) رساله شرح پت, anonymous
- marginal item 7 Dar ‘ishq (On Lovesickness) در عشق, anonymous
- marginal item 8 Risālah-i ṭarīqah-i naqsh-bandīy (Treatise on Conducting Certain Ceremonies of the Sufis) رساله طريقه نقشبنديه, anonymous
- marginal item 9 [On astronomical principles], untitled and anonymous
- marginal item 10 [On the zodiacal sign of Cancer], untitled and anonymous
- marginal item 11 [On ancient authorities], untitled and anonymous
- marginal item 12 Ḥaqīqat-i ṭūl-i va ‘arḍ-i aqālīm (The Explanation of the Longititude and Latitude of the Climes) حقيقت طول وعرض اقاليم, anonymous
- marginal item 13 [On Astrology and Magic], untitled and anonymous
- marginal item 14 Risāla dar khāṣṣīyat-i zanān (Essay on the Nature of Women رساله در خاصيت زنان, anonymous
- marginal item 15 [On Magic Squares and Talismans], untitled and anonymous
- marginal item 16 Risālah dar hawāṣṣ (Essay on Occult Properties)
رساله در خواص, attributed to Ibn Sīnā ابو على
- marginal item 17 Muqaddimāt-i ḥisāb (Introductory treatise on arithmetic) مقدمات حساب, anonymous
- marginal item 18 [On Numerology and Lunar Mansions], untitled and anonymous
- marginal item 19 [On Occult Properties], untitled and anonymous
- marginal item 20 Muqaddimah-i raml (Introduction to Geomancy) مقدمه رمل, anonymous
- marginal item 21 Muqaddimah-i ganjifah (Introduction to Card Playing) مقدمه گنجفه, anonymous
- marginal item 22 Muqaddimah-i shaṭranj (Introduction to Chess) مقدمه شطرنج, anonymous
- marginal item 23 [On Magical Alphabets], untitled and anonymous
- marginal item 24 Khulāṣah-i tawārīkh (The Explanation of Chronologies)
خلاصه تواريخ, anonymous
- marginal item 25 Khulāṣah-i rājāwatī (The Chronologies of Rulers) خلاصه راجاوتى, anonymous
- marginal item 26 [On wonders among world rulers], untitled, anonymous
- marginal item 27 [reports and sayings of learned Sufi shaykhs], untitled and anonymous
- marginal item 28 Dar akhlāq-i ḥamīdah (On Praiseworthy Conduct) در اخلاق حميده, anonymous
- marginal item 29 Tuḥfat al-wuzarā' (The Gift of the Viziers) تحفت الوزراء, anonymous
- marginal item 30 [On Magic], untitled and anonymous
- marginal item 31 [On Magical-Medical Procedures], untitled, by Muḥammad ibn ‘Abd Allāh Ibn ‘Abd al-Muṭṭalib محمد ابن عبد الله ابن عبد المطلب
- marginal item 32 Risālah dar akl va shurb (Essay on Eating and Drinking) رساله در اكل
و شرب, anonymous
- marginal item 33 Dar ḥisab-i siyāq-i ḥayawanāt (On the Numeration of Animals) در حسب سياق حيوانات, anonymous
- marginal item 34 [On compound remedies], anonymous and untitled
- marginal item 35 Khawāṣṣ-i jafrāt (The Occult Properties of Numerology) خواص جفرات, anonymous
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