赤脚医生宣传计划生育好处,给社员提供免费避孕药具 (Barefoot doctor promotes family planning; the commune provides free contraceptives), 1977
赤脚医生宣传计划生育好处,给社员提供免费避孕药具 (Barefoot doctor promotes family planning; the commune provides free contraceptives), People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, Beijing, 1977
This poster includes two photographs on top and bottom. A barefoot doctor talks with a female villager about the advantages of family planning and distributes free contraceptives (upper image). The commune’s general store brings sales of goods to villages and distributes free contraceptives (lower image).
About the Book

While early family planning campaigns focused on providing tools and education on contraception and pregnancy, the policies in the 1980s and 1990s shifted emphasizing increased quality of the population, healthy babies, and taking good care of children. This handout provides basic information on childcare and healthy babies.