实行计划生育有利于男女职工群众在生产工作学习中充分发挥自己的力量 (Family Planning Is Good for Men and Women to Fulfill Themselves in Work and Study), ca. 1978
实行计划生育有利于男女职工群众在生产工作学习中充分发挥自己的力量 (Family Planning Is Good for Men and Women to Fulfill Themselves in Work and Study), Family Planning Office of Kunming, ca. 1978
This poster includes four images showing men and women participating in different activities such as studying, farming, field research, and militant training, all representations of healthy and productive participations in society.
About the Collection

Around 1978, The Family Planning Office of Kunming produced this series of posters depicting scenes of family life to emphasize the importance of family planning in China.