The National Library of Medicine has two buildings, the National Library of Medicine (Building 38) and the Lister Hill Center (Building 38A). (Directions and parking information | Accessibility information)

The National Library of Medicine (Building 38)
The National Library of Medicine is in front of the Lister Hill Center.

The Lister Hill Center (Building 38A)
The Lister Hill Center for Biomedical Communications is adjacent to the National Library of Medicine.
- NLM Visitor Center (first floor)
- Lister Hill Center Auditorium (first floor, used for lectures, conferences, workshops and other special events)
- Capacity: 176 people
- Lister Hill Center Auditorium reservation guide
- Form NIH 827-2A (PDF), (Rev. 3/2019), "Request to use the LHC Auditorium."
- Telephone number for conference information: (301) 496-5389
- Telephone number for Registration Desk: (301) 496-4062
- Cafeteria (B1 level/lower lobby, offers breakfast and lunch)
- Floor plans
- Shuttle stop at the front entrance (NIH Campus shuttle information)
NLM Facilities Off-Campus
Several NLM divisions are off-campus:
- Extramural Programs (EP) (EP directions)
- Medical Language Branch (MLB) (OCCS MLB contact information)
Last Reviewed: April 17, 2024