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ICD10PCS (ICD-10 Procedure Coding System) - Statistics

Semantic Type Distribution

Semantic Type IDSemantic Type NameCount Percentage Distribution
T061Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure17227089.9
T060Diagnostic Procedure1926410.1

Term Type Counts

Term TypeExpanded FormCount
HXExpanded version of short hierarchical term112812
PXExpanded preferred terms (pair with PS)78603
ABAbbreviation in any source vocabulary78603
PTDesignated preferred name78603
HSShort or alternate version of hierarchical term905
HTHierarchical term905
MTH_HXMTH Hierarchical term expanded131

Attribute Counts

Attribute TypeExpanded FormCount
ORDER_NOOrder number78603
ADDED_MEANINGAdditional descriptive information849

Relationship Counts

Relation Name/Additional LabelExpanded FormCount
CHD/has child relationship in a Metathesaurus source vocabulary /Empty relationship attribute191546
PAR/has parent relationship in a Metathesaurus source vocabulary /Empty relationship attribute191546
SY/expanded_form_ofsource asserted synonymy./Expanded form of159016
SY/has_expanded_formsource asserted synonymy./Has expanded form159016

Definition Count


Source Overlap

Source# Concepts Sharing Atom/# Total ConceptsPercentage Distribution