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2. Letter to Mrs. Batch dated October 25, 1855 (front)

My dear Madam, Your letter was for warded to me at this place where my Hospital duties at present require me. I have desired that enquiry should be made of Dr. Blackwood, concerning his attendance on your son.
2. Letter to Mrs. Batch dated October 25, 1855 (back)

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he remembers perfectly well, being called in to him in the middle of the night, but when he reached him, he was quite unconscious. He remembers however, hearing that he had been seen pre-viously, earnestly in prayer. He also recollects hearing how much he was valued & beloved. I fear that it is impossible now to recover.
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any of the articles which were sold – as I have already made enquiries of the Purveyor to that effect. I will open the Bale you speak of upon my return to Scutari & let you know its contents. I trust that we
shall not have the suffering to deplore this winter which we all witnessed last year. I beg to remain, dear Madam, with true sympathy for your great loss, yours faithfully
Florence Nightingale
Nightingale, Florence. Florence Nightingale Letters Collection: 1845-1878. Located in Modern Manuscripts Collection, History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD; MS C 545