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Class 2


  1. Class 1: Action Vocabulary

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  2. Class 2: Time Phrases

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  3. Class 3: Time and Location

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Class 2 Overview: Vaccination Posters

China’s Hygiene Education for Children during 1950s is a middle school lesson plan that uses two Chinese public health posters from 1950s as primary sources. Students view the healthy daily activities depicted on the posters online and acquire new vocabulary and grammar in Chinese. In Class 1, students compare the daily activities among Chinese youth in the 1950s and their own. In Class 2, students learn time phrases and sentence structures in Chinese, as well as review vocabulary. In Class 3, students learn a complete sentence structure that contains both time and location phrases.

All class vocabulary lists provide both traditional and simplified Chinese characters used in this lesson plan.


[Note: Most handouts include both traditional and simplified Chinese characters. Teachers are to review and determine whether to use one or both characters based on the established practices of their respective school systems.]

  • Class 1: Vocabulary: Action (PDF) (MSWord)
  • Class 1: Vocabulary Homework (PDF) (MSWord); Teacher’s Class 1: Homework Assignment (PDF)
  • Class 2: Vocabulary: Time (PDF) (MSWord)
  • Class 2: Time Phrases (PDF) (MSWord)
  • Class 2—Sentence Structures Summary (PDF) (MSWord)
  • Class 2—Sentence Structure Homework (PDF) (MSWord) & Teacher's Class 2: Sentence Structure Homework (PDF)
  • Class 2—Teacher's Circling Question Samples (PDF)

Other materials and set-ups:

  1. Have students use their completed Class 1—Vocabulary Homework and review answers as a class. Collect the homework from students for evaluation.
  2. Using Class 2—Time Phrases, review vocabulary and demonstrate Chinese sentence and time phrase structures through multi-sensory activities, such as read aloud, Total Physical Response (TPR), visual references to the text and/or poster illustrations, etc.
  3. Handout copies of Class 2—Sentence Structures Summary and Class 2—Vocabulary: Time and review the sentence structures and the new words on the vocabulary list by reading them aloud as a class.
  4. Conduct circling question activity—see sample questions on Teacher’s Circling Question Samples—by randomly selecting students to answer these questions one by one.

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