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Class 3


  1. Class 1: Action Vocabulary

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  2. Class 2: Time Phrases

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  3. Class 3: Time and Location

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Class 3 Overview: Communication Techniques in Chinese Public Health Posters

China’s Hygiene Education for Children during 1950s is a middle school lesson plan that uses two Chinese public health posters from 1950s as primary sources. Students view the healthy daily activities depicted on the posters online and acquire new vocabulary and grammar in Chinese. In Class 1, students compare the daily activities among Chinese youth in the 1950s and their own. In Class 2, students learn time phrases and sentence structures in Chinese, as well as review vocabulary. In Class 3, students learn a complete sentence structure that contains both time and location phrases.

The class vocabulary list provides both traditional and simplified Chinese characters used in this lesson plan.


[Note: Most handouts include both traditional and simplified Chinese characters. Teachers are to review and determine whether to use one or both characters based on the established practices of their respective school systems.]

  • Class 2—Sentence Structure Homework (PDF) (MSWord) & Teacher's Class 2: Sentence Structure Homework (PDF)
  • Class 3—Time and Place (PDF) (MSWord)
  • Cumulative Vocabulary (PDF) (MSWord)

Other materials and set-ups:

[Preparation: Prepare four zone signs using four different color papers/index cards with “People,” “Time,” “Place,” or “Action” written on each. Also make several vocabulary cards on papers/index cards, matching the zone colors, with people, time, place, or action words. See class activity on step 10.]

  1. Write on the board the five sentences to be unscrambled from Class 2—Sentence Structure Homework.
  2. Call on five students and assign each to write her/his answer next to one of the five sentences. Have another five students to write their English translations for them.
  3. Read each sentence both in Chinese and English and correct them as needed as a class. See Teacher’s Class 2—Sentence Structure Homework. Have students correct their own work and answer the questions they have.
  4. Use the sentences students wrote on the board to introduce time phrase with both general and specific time references by adding the new word into the time phrase. For example: 我早飯前洗臉 (I wash my face before breakfast) -> 我 每天 早飯前 洗臉。 (I wash my face every day before breakfast.)

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In addition to observing and assessing students during class discussions, teachers can evaluate student progress by reviewing completed worksheets collected during all three classes.

Extension Activities:

  1. Have students work in small groups to create a poster featuring healthy daily activities for young people using their Chinese language knowledge. In addition, each group member writes a short paragraph with 5 sentences that describe the activities illustrated in their poster.