只要早期发现, 合理治疗, 结核病是可以治好的 (If Discovered Early and Treated Properly, Tuberculosis Can Be Cured), ca. 1980
只要早期发现, 合理治疗, 结核病是可以治好的 (If Discovered Early and Treated Properly, Tuberculosis Can Be Cured), Beijing Tuberculosis Prevention Institute and the Tuberculosis Prevention Institute of the East District of Beijing, ca. 1980
This anti-TB poster shows a male worker, possibly a farmer, and below him are two smaller pictures showing him following up with the doctor and taking medication, shown to incentivize rural audiences to treat TB early.
About the Book

This anti-TB poster series produced by Beijing Tuberculosis Prevention Institute and the Tuberculosis Prevention Institute of the East District of Beijing, ca. 1980, features workers, peasants, and students to encourage all to take the necessary measures to stay healthy. Explore the other posters below.