定要消灭血吸虫病(一) (We must eradicate snail fever) (1), ca. 1970
定要消灭血吸虫病(一) (We must eradicate snail fever) (1), Jiangsu Provincial Revolutionary Committee, ca. 1970
This poster features a portrait of Mao Zedong, the founding father of the People’s Republic of China, and two of his poems on the right. Mao Zedong's writing on people's health became the trademark of the posters, like this one, produced in the Cultural Revolution era. The drawings below compare Schistosomiasis, also known as snail fever due to the freshwater snails that carry the disease, to Mao's oppositions, which were an obstruction to proletarian rule and must be eliminated for the wellbeing of the revolutionary masses.
About the Book

This two-poster series made in 1970 by the Jiangsu Provincial Revolutionary Committee uses government propaganda to motivate citizens to help eradicate snail fever, or Schistosomiasis, through a variety of prevention methods.