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Gallery: Vector-borne Disease

积极防治疟疾 (Actively Prevent and Treat Malaria), ca. 1972

积极防治疟疾 (Actively Prevent and Treat Malaria), Health and Epidemic Prevention Station of Changzhou Prefecture, Hebei Province, ca. 1972

Anti-malaria posters produced between the 1950s and 1970s, such as this, disseminated health information alongside imagery that captured the social and political lives of China in those decades.

Mosquitoes spread malaria and we can prevent it. The main image of this poster features a smiling barefoot doctor in the rural Chinese countryside. Smaller images explain the spread and prevention are shown below depicting farmers being bitten by mosquitoes, the use of anti-malarial drugs and medication, seeking treatment and check-ups from barefoot doctors, and a table on medicine dosages. Improvement of people's health is emphasized as part of the rural development.

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