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Gallery: Vector-borne Disease

防治疟疾 (Prevent and Treat Malaria), ca. 1960

防治 (Prevent and Treat Malaria), Health and Epidemic Prevention Station of Jiangxi Province, ca. 1960

The image in this anti-malaria poster is accompanied by a health message written in the traditional style of three-character text (三字经, san zi jing). The rhymed text makes the health message easy to remember. The first section of the text reads: “malaria harms people, it comes from Plasmodium, spread by mosquitoes; after their bites, you get the disease, you feel cold, and then fever, headache and sweat, in July-August, easy to get the disease, once infected, four limbs weak, face yellow and spleen swollen, busy farming time, labor is lost.”

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