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Collections: Archives & Modern Manuscripts

Unprocessed Collections, 1985–1996

Note to Researchers
This list represents brief descriptions of unprocessed collections, or unprocessed additions to collections, and is primarily for informational purposes only. There may be donor imposed restrictions, NLM imposed restrictions, or no descriptions of collection contents. Please contact the Reference Staff regarding access to these collections.

Note on Access
The majority of these collections are stored offsite and require 30 days prior notice for service. Please contact NLM Support for access information.

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Accession #: 0297
Name of Collection: Adriani, John. Papers.
Quantity: 5 lin. ft. (4 record cartons -ca. 5,000 items)
Restrictions: none

Content: Chiefly correspondence
Record tyes:


Accession #: 0438
Name of Collection: Burch, George
Quantity: 16 boxes


Record types:

Notes: Addition to MS C 376. No preliminary list.

Accession #: 0544
Name of Collection: Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation
Quantity: .1 linear feet

Content: Material relating to Blood pressure program files.

Record types:


Accession #: 0548
Name of Collection: Society of University Surgeons
Quantity: .5 linear ft.

Content: Photographs and biographies of the first 50 presidents of the Society.

Record types:


Accession #: 0551
Name of Collection: Society of University Surgeons
Dates: ca. 1980-1984
Quantity: 4 ln. ft.

Content: Programs, transcripts, and minutes of annual meetings and the Secretary's files from c. 1980-1984.

Record types:


Accession #: 0561
Name of Collection: Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation
Dates: 1983-87(?)
Quantity: 8 lin. ft.

Content: Records of the Lasker Awards from 1983-87(?).

Record types:


Accession #: 0568
Name of Collection: Cooper, Irving
Quantity: 18 lin. ft.


Record types:


Accession #: 0569
Name of Collection: Prandoni, Andrew
Quantity: 2 lin. ft.

Content: Reprints, diplomas, and some correspondence relating to Dr. Prandoni's work in cardiology.

Record types:


Accession #: 0578
Name of Collection: Society of University Surgeons
Dates: 1983-1987
Quantity: 1.5 lin. ft.

Content: Records of the secretary's office for the SUS from approximately 1983-1987.

Record types:


Accession #: 0582
Name of Collection: Schotte, Otto
Quantity: .8 lin. ft. (5 notebooks)

Content: Correspondence and laboratory notebooks from Schotte's period in Hans Spemann's laboratoy in Freiburg i. B. Major correspondents include Ross Harrison, Yale Univ., Amherst College and the Rockefeller Univ.. Much of the correspondence concerns Schotte's..

Record types:

Notes: ..efforts to secure research funding. Lab notes have been transferred to Preservation for treatment.

Accession #: 0588
Name of Collection: Miles, Wyndham D.
Dates: 1962-1974, 1988
Quantity: 1 file folder, 18 hollinger boxes, 1 half size hollinger box, 8 cartons, 1 oversize map case folder, 6 card file boxes

Content: Correspondence between W.D. Miles and Harold J. Abrahams. Correspondence dates from 1962 to 1974, and includes a 1988 draft obituary of Abrahams.

Record types:

Notes: Material is filed with NIH Historian's correspondence files pertaining to the History of the NIH. Preliminary finding aid.aa acid free cartons, April 1997. Additional materials housed and shelved with this accession on July 1, 1996.

Accession #: 0617
Name of Collection: Bean, William
Quantity: 0.6 lin. ft. (two hollinger boxes)

Content: Correspondence to be interfiled into Bean's collection.

Record types:


Accession #: 0627
Name of Collection: Public Health Service Centennial Files
Quantity: 0.6 lin. ft.

Content: Material on the history of dentistry in the PHS.

Record types:


Accession #: 0628
Name of Collection: Public Health Service Centennial Files
Quantity: 4.2 lin. ft.

Content: Records of the PHS Centennial Office. Includes background material, readings, and correspondence organized by subject.

Record types:


Accession #: 0643
Name of Collection: United States. Public Health Service. Centennial archive - oral histories.
Dates: [1988-1989]
Quantity: 1 linear ft.

Content: Oral history interviews with T. Cooper, P. Ehrlich, P. Lee and J. Richmond.

Record types:


Accession #: 0645
Name of Collection: PHS Centennial Archive.
Quantity: 8 folders, 0.25 lin. ft.

Content: Oral history interviews with Edward Brandt, Leroy Burney, W. Palmer Dearing, Merlin DuVal, Roger Egeberg, Charles Miller, William Stewart, and Robert Windom.

Record types:


Accession #: 0651
Name of Collection: PHS Centennial Archive
Quantity: 1 TMS, 53 pp.

Content: Oral history interview with Dr. Edward D. Martin

Record types:

Notes: Filed with accession #642

Accession #: 0664
Name of Collection: Brand, Jeanne L.
Quantity: 6.25 linear ft.

Content: Materials from AAHM, SFCP, NLM programs, miscellaneous history of medicine societies and on the history of medicine in general.

Record types:


Accession #: 0670
Name of Collection: International Congress of Medical Librarianship
Quantity: 0.8 lin. ft.

Content: Records of the 4th and 5th ICML. More records are to follow.

Record types:


Accession #: 0674
Name of Collection: Society of University Surgeons Archives
Dates: late 1980s-1990
Quantity: 4.3 linear ft.

Content: Correspondence re: memberships, materials relating to annual meetings, correspondence with international societies of surgeons (late 1980s-1990).

Record types:


Accession #: 0773
Name of Collection: PHS Centennial Archive
Quantity: 1 mss., 89 pp.

Content: Oral history interview with Dr. C. Everett Koop.

Record types:


Accession #: 0784
Name of Collection: Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation. Tapes and transcripts of 1988,1989 press conference and luncheons
Dates: 1988,1989
Quantity: 9 tapes and 2 transcripts

Content: Videotapes and transcripts of the 1988 and 1989 press conference and luncheons; a videotaped discussion with the 1989 award winners, moderated by Richard D. Heffner; and an interview with Dr. Etienne-Emile Baulieu.

Record types:


Accession #: 0795
Name of Collection: Jarcho, Saul
Dates: 1974-1989
Quantity: 6.5 acid free cartons (8.125 linear ft.)
Restrictions: Collection is restricted until 1/1/2005

Content: Papers on Jarcho's medical career and correspondence. Internal medicine. Medical history.

Record types:

Notes: Preliminary finding aid available in the library. Deed of gift executed in 1983 covers materials transferrer to the Library in 1980 and 1981 only. Previous Acc. #s 313, 316, and 672 were combined and cataloged as MS C 384. Accession was not incorporated

Accession #: 0796
Name of Collection: Blum, Bruce I.
Dates: 1970-1987
Quantity: 5 acid free cartons (6.25 linear ft.)

Content: 1 carton of video tapes- not transferred to Audio-Visual Collection, December 1994. The carton contains 1" videos of the presentations, photographs of the event with their negatives (B/W and color), selected correspondence, audiotapes of the sessions,..

Record types:

Notes: ..CVs of the invited participants, and other associated materials. Preliminary finding aid available in the library. Medical informatics. Reprints, bound volumes and reports.

Accession #: 0799
Name of Collection:Khoury, George (M.D.)
Quantity: 3 acid free cartons (3.75 linear ft.)

Content: Papers of the Laboratory of Molecular Virology, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health. Subject files, reprints, manuscripts, lecture notes, theses, and research files.

Record types:

Notes: Preliminary finding aid available in the library.

Accession #: 0805
Name of Collection: Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists
Dates: 1840-1992
Quantity: 3 cartons (3.75 linear ft.)

Content: Collection contains photographs, programs, reprints, artifacts, video, ephemera, diplomas, oil painting, two 16mm movies and publications in orthodontic research of the Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists.

Record types:

Notes: Preliminary finding aid.

Accession #: 0807
Name of Collection: Hill--Burton Hospital Grant Program. United States Public Health Service.
Dates: 1946-1970
Quantity: 4 acid free cartons (5.00 linear ft.)

Content: Records relate to the Hill-Burton Hospital Grant, U.S.P.H.S., 1946-1970. The collection provides data on U.S.A. hospital in America, not just Public Health Service Hospitals. Carton 4 contains Photos- aerial views. 2 envelopes acitivity photos. 1 folder..

Record types:

Notes: publicity releases, etc. 1 box of small photos. 9 video tapes. No preliminary finding aid. No restrictions.

Accession #: 0808
Name of Collection: Society of General Physiologists
Dates: 1978-1992
Quantity: 3 cartons (3 linear ft.)

Content: Papers relating to the SGP (1978-1992). Materials include archives correspondence, annual symposiums relating to the society, treasurer(s) reports and other financial records and correspondence from the treasurer(s) and presidents.

Record types:

Notes: No preliminary finding aid.

Accession #: 0809
Name of Collection: Jonnes, Jill Papers
Dates: 1900-1996
Quantity: 12 acid free cartons (15 linear ft.) (3/12/96); 1 acid free carton (1.25 linear ft.) (7/3/96)

Content: History of Illegal Drugs in America (1900-1996). The collection contains subject folders on Drugs, Drug Addiction and Drug Abuse.

Record types:

Notes: Numerous reprints, magazine articles, books, congressional hearings and newspaper articles need to be photocopied onto permalife paper. Preliminary finding aid. No restrictions. Oversize posters.

Accession #: 0813
Name of Collection: Editorial Files of the Encylopedica of Bioethics.
Quantity: 1 hollinger box (0.4 linear ft.), 31 acid free cartons (38.75 linear ft.)

Content: Editorial Files of the Encyclopedia of Bioethics. Contains correspondence, manuscripts, organizational records, and reviews.

Record types:

Notes: Preliminary finding aid. No restrictions.

Accession #: 0819
Name of Collection: Editorial Files of the Encyclopedia of Bioethics
Quantity: 22 cartons of Papers/books, 5 file drawer cabinets and 2 transfiles

Content: Former Green File Cabinet Drawers 1-5, Author Files and Reading Files (housed in acid free cartons 1-8). Cartons 9-56 housed in acid free cartons, see handwritten listing for Cartons 1-25. Contains correspondence, manucripts, organizational records, and..

Record types:


Accession #: 0821
Name of Collection: Society of University Surgeons
Dates: 1991-1993
Quantity: 2 acid free cartons (2.50 linear ft.)
Restrictions: Restricted.

Content: Annual meeting books and member files (accepted and rejected, 1991-1993). Folders are labled and arranged chronologically.

Record types:

Notes: No preliminary finding aid.


Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025