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DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition) - Metathesaurus Representation

This page lists UMLS Metathesaurus data elements and traces them back to the specific source data that populates them.

VSAB: DSM-5_2015

Summary of Changes:

DSM-V is a new source for the 2016AB release. DSM3R and DSM-IV are no longer included in the UMLS Metathesaurus


DSM-V is is a set of diagnostic criteria for ICD9CM and/or ICD10CM codes.  There are no native DSM-5 codes, it is not a standalone terminology.

Source Provided Files:

File Name Description
ICD 10 Numerical Listing.txt ICD 10 Codes and Diagnostic Criteria
ICD 9 Numerical Listing.txt ICD 9 Codes and Diagnostic Criteria


Identifiers are assigned as follows:
  • CODE:  Code value from ICD 10 or ICD 9 Numerical Listing data file
  • SAUI: Not applicable
  • SCUI: Not applicable
  • SDUI: Same as CODE

Atoms (MRCONSO):

Term Type Origin
DC10 CODE:  Code value from ICD 10 Numerical Listing.txt

STR: String value from ICD 10 Numerical Listing.txt

SDUI: Same as CODE

Suppress = 'N'
DC9 CODE:  Code value from ICD 10 Numerical Listing.txt

STR: String value from ICD 10 Numerical Listing.txt

SDUI: Same as CODE

Suppress = 'N'

Attributes (MRSAT):

There are no attributes created for DSM-5.

Definitions (MRDEF):

There are no definitions in DSM-5.

Relationships (MRREL); Hierarchy (MRHIER)

REL RELA/Inverse RELA Origin
RQ has_diagnostic_criteria/diagnostic_criteria_of Connect an DSM-5 AUI to the ICD SOURCE_DUI;  There may be more than one DSM-5 atom corresponding to a given ICD code, therefore a relationship is created to each atom.

Mappings (MRMAP):

No mappings are supplied for DSM-5, however the relationship is implicit in the ICD code and the relationships between ICD and DSM-5.