Associate Fellowship Program: 2012-2013 Associate Fellows

Meet the Associates
Rose Hedberg
University of South Florida, 2012
RoseMary Hedberg received her MLIS degree in 2012 from the School of Information at the University of South Florida, Tampa. While completing her degree, she worked as a Graduate Research Assistant at the All Children’s Hospital Medical Library and volunteered as an intern at the Moffitt Research Center Biomedical Library. She served as the Student Chapter President for the American Society for Information Science and Technology and was selected as the school’s representative for the 2012 American Library Association Student to Staff program. Prior to completing her graduate studies, she worked at a sleep diagnostic and research center as a patient quality assurance coordinator. Ms. Hedberg received her undergraduate degree in psychology from the University of South Florida.
Diana Almader-Douglas
University of Arizona, Tucson, 2011
Diana Almader-Douglas received her MA in Information Resources and Library Science from the University of Arizona, Tucson, in 2011. Ms. Almader-Douglas was awarded a Knowledge River Scholarship, which focuses on educating information professionals on issues pertaining to Latino and Native American populations. While completing her degree, she was employed as a Graduate Assistant at the Arizona Health Sciences Library, where she provided document delivery and reference services. During her program, she also worked as a student affiliate at the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System’s medical library, where she provided reference services and assisted with collection development projects. Ms. Almader-Douglas earned a Master of Arts degree in Counseling from Webster University in 1998. As a licensed professional counselor, she assisted state-funded behavioral health recipients throughout her career. Ms. Almader-Douglas’ undergraduate degree is from Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, where she majored in psychology.
Karen Gutzman
University of North Texas, 2012
Karen Gutzman received her MS degree in Library Science in 2012 from the University of North Texas with an emphasis in Health Informatics. While completing her degree she worked as a research assistant with the National Children’s Study, which is the largest study of children’s health in the U.S. She was a recipient of the Medical Library Association scholarship and she completed an internship with the University of Houston’s digital library. Her background includes teaching biology and English in Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia and receiving a Masters of Arts degree in Educational Leadership from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN. Ms. Gutzman received her undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences from South Dakota State University.
Kevin Read
University of British Columbia, 2012
Kevin Read received his MLIS and MAS from the University of British Columbia (UBC), in Vancouver, Canada. While completing his degrees, Mr. Read worked as a student librarian at the Biomedical Branch and Science and Engineering Branch Libraries performing reference and instructional services. Mr. Read's most recent work has been collaborating with the pediatric palliative network PedPalNET at the British Columbia Children’s and Women’s Health Centre building a strategy to provide health information to patients' families, and working with the British Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons Library as a consultant to improve their Finding Medical Evidence training workshops. He has also worked with the Canadian National Aboriginal Health Organization and the UBC Centre for Healthcare Management to help improve their understanding and use of social media tools to promote health information services. Mr. Read received his BA with honors in Islamic art and architecture from the University of Victoria in Victoria, Canada.
Last Reviewed: February 2, 2022