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Associate Fellowship Program

Associate Fellowship Program: Alumni Associate Index

Associate Fellows have come to NLM from diverse educational and cultural backgrounds, and have gone on to achieve leadership positions in libraries and information centers across the United States and around the world. Below are links to past Associate Fellow cohorts from 1957 to the present.

Year Associate Name
1994 Abramson, Alicia
2010 Adamo, Julie 
1975 Airall, Jacqueline (current name: Jacqueline Montgomery)
2007 Ajuwon, Grace
2002 Alexander, Evangeline
1982 Allen, Cynthia
1999 Allmang, Nancy
2012 Almader-Douglas, Diana
2008 Amos, Kathleen
2006 Anne, Abdrahamane
1971 Aufderheide, Arlene
1985 Backus, Joyce
2003 Bakker, Theodora
2023 Ballin, Mya
2015 Baltich Nelson, Becky
2002 Banks, Marcus
1978 Barnes, Susan
2017 Barr, Gabrielle
2004 Basket, Margaret
1974 Baum, Linda
1980 Beavers, Peggy (current name: Peggy Blake)
1977 Benzer, Martha (current name: Martha Goldberg)
1981 Beverly, Kevin
1968 Bhatt, Mahesh
1998 Bladen, Nancy  (current name: Nancy Morell)
1976 Bosma, Patricia
1985 Boucher, Tracy
1983 Boyd, Lisa
1981 Branch, Katherine
1966 Bravo, Carmen
1991 Bridgers, Jeffrey
1975 Broadwin, John
2018 Brody, Stacy
1984 Bryant, Jane
1976 Bube, Judith
1980 Burch, Ted
2010 Burgess, Kristen 
2007 Burgess, Sarena
1993 Burke, Cynthia
1972 Byrd, Gary
2002 Cahall, Molly
1977 Cain, James
1989 Carle, Daria
1998 Chan, Liza
2003 Charles, Lonelyss
2020 Chatmon, Brianna
1995 Clark, Terri
2018 Clarke, Sarah
1991 Coffee, Leona
1970 Cohen, Janet
1986 Conner, Zoë (current name: P. Zoë Stavri)
2006 Conte, Marisa
2009 Cornell, Ada
2019 Cox, Brenna
1977 Craig, Daza
1998 Correllus, Joanne (current name: Joanne Crane)
1959 Crosby, Anne (current name: Anne Davis / no photo available)
2020 Cruise, Allison
2006 Crummett, Courtney
1957 Curtis, Ann (no photo available)
1960 Dabney, Patricia (current name: Patricia Smith / no photo available)
1976 Davidson, Rebecca
1974 Davis, Carolyn
2009 Davis, MaShana
1985 Davis, Rebecca
2014 Deardorff, Ariel
2023 Dennis, Carlette D.
2004 Dennis, Stephanie
1984 Dimitroff, Alexandra
1998 Dittmar, Rebecca Marni
1999 Doby, Chandra
2020 Dolan, Levi
2008 Donahue, Amy
1979 Dove, Samuel
1980 Duerringer, Karen (current name: Karen Flynn)
2000 Duggan, Lawrence
1979 Dutcher, Gale
1973 Eisenberg, Laura (current name: Laura Hoffman)
1989 Ellero Ferki, Nadine 
2014 Elliott, Kristina
1978 Ellis, Larry 
1973 Evans, Carol 
2023 Everitt, Leah
2003 Faiks, Erinn (current name: Erinn Aspinall)
1974 Farmer, Nita Jan (current name: Nita Jan Almquist)
1968 Farrell, Howertine (current name: Howertine Duncan)
2006 Featherstone, Robin 
2003 Few, Barbara 
2007 Flewelling, Kate 
1971 Forrest, Joseph 
2014 Foster, Erin
2004 Frant, Loren 
1969 Frazier, Willerma (current name: Willerma Means)
2003 Gaines, Julie 
1989 Gedeon, Penelope
1990 Geissler, Julie (Current name: Julie Lindmark) 
1995 Geisslerova, Zdenka 
1962 Ginguld, Marcia (current name: Marcia Ford / no photo available)
2016 Godwin, Kendra
1986 Gonzales, Diana (current name: Diana Kirby)
1980 Goodman, Sarah Anne 
1993 Grady, Jenifer 
1969 Greehey, Barbara Louise
1978 Greene, Brenda 
2010 Greenland, Kristen
1996 Grossetta Nardini, Holly 
1971 Gudmundson, Clair Webster 
1992 Guo, JiJun "Harry" 
2012 Gutzman, Karen
2004 Gyore, Rachel 
1996 Haaland, Maren (current name: Maren Niemeier)
1961 Hampe, Karen (current name: Karen Hand / no photo available)
2019 Han, Sharon
1991 Harbourt, Anna (current name: Anna Ripple)
2005 Harper, Amy 
1988 Harper, Cindy
1998 Harper, Cynthia 
2011 Harris, Bethany  
1999 Harris, Carmen Dee 
2014 Harris, Lori
1990 Hart, Katherine (current name: Katherine Weimer)
1966 Hasemeier, Frances (current name: Frances Johnson)
1981 Hawk, Susan (current name: Susan Schneider)
1996 Haynie, Steven 
1977 Healy, Patricia 
2012 Hedberg, Rose 
2000 Heiland, Jennifer 
2024 Henigman, Alex
2001 Hileman, Laura 
1994 Hochstein, Colette 
1988 Hogan, Linda 
1992 Hollenberg, Leah (current name: Leah Anderson)
1990 Honeyman, Elizabeth (current name: Elizabeth Banzer)
2005 Horta, Cristina 
2002 Hudson-Ochillo, Michelle 
2004 Hutcherson, Lidia 
2013 Jason, Don
2002 Jones, Shannon
2001 Kamau, Nancy 
1981 Kameen, Karen (current name: Karen Wallingford)
2002 Kamper, Natalie 
2004 Kanyengo, Wamunyima Christine 
2007 Karpinski, Joanna (current name: Joanna Karpinski Widzer)
2016 Kellner, Megan (current name: Megan Fratta)
1977 Kelly, Marguerite 
1958 Kennedy, Maxine (current name: Maxine Hanke / no photo available)
2021 Kennefick Wilairat, Sam
2019 Kinzel, Eden
1972 Kirkbride, Susan 
1998 Kitendaugh, Paula 
1990 Kitt, Kathryn (current name: Kathryn Grof-Tisza)
2010 Kiyoi, Stephen 
1994 Kochi, Julia 
1979 Koff, Eileen (current name: Eileen Hutchison)
1999 Koonce, Taneya 
1980 Kopp, James 
1968 Kotzin, Sheldon
1972 Kozuma, Lillian 
1975 Kudrick, Linda (current name: Linda Watson)
2021 Kudryashov, Luke
1999 Kwan, Kathy 
2005 Lackey, Mellanye 
2001 Lee, Teresa 
1971 Lewis, Jinnet (current name: Jinnet Fowles)
1994 Lim, Allison 
2007 Linares, Brenda 
1982 Linton, Anne 
1992 Lipow, Stephanie 
2018 Llorens, Amelia
2003 Loo, Jeffrey 
2024 Long, Ariah
1988 Lopez-Ramirez, Elsa (current name: Elsa Lopez-Mertz)
1987 Love, Cindy 
1983 Lutey, Barbara 
1972 Lyon, Becky 
1989 MacKay, Coleen 
1993 Madden, Eileen (current name: Eileen D'Andrea)
2008 Maez, Paula 
1979 Marcetich, James 
1997 Markovich, Kristine (current name: Kristine Alpi)
2011 Mason-Coles, Michele
2005 Massengale, Lisa 
2013 Masterton, Katherine "Kate"
1968 Mayfield, Virginia (Current name: Virginia Reichlin)
1997 Mays, Tammy 
1993 McCarthy, Renata (current name: Renata Geer)
1978 McCutcheon, Dianna 
1982 McGowan, Anna 
2008 McLaughlin, Patrick 
1982 McNabb, Corrine 
2006 McNeely, Amy 
2000 McPeak, Janice 
1984 Meikamp, Kathie (current name: Kathie DeGeorges)
1971 Meise, Paula (current name: Paula Strain)
2013 Minter, Christian
1970 Moore, Dorothy 
1959 Morrison, Cora (no photo available)
2016 Moses, Tyler Alicía 
2010 M'seffar, Salima 
1997 Nelson, Roxanne
2015 Nguyen, Kim-Loan
2015 Nix, Tyler
2016 Norton, Candace
1963 Noyes, Nancy (current name: Nancy Van De Water / no photo available)
2000 Oubichon, Tomeka 
1988 Parker, Kimberly 
1978 Patterson, Patricia "Patti"  
2013 Pettenati, Nicole 
1960 Pizer, Irwin (no photo available)
1966 Plank, William
1983 Plutchak, T. Scott 
2003 Pulsipher, Nancy 
1963 Pumphrey, Jennie (current name: Jennie Hunt / no photo available)
1969 Quintal, Cecile Claudette
1991 Radow, Denise 
1983 Rambo, Neil 
1978 Rapp, Barbara 
2012 Read, Kevin
1999 Redalen, Aaron 
1988 Redmond Leonard, Joan
2007 Resnick, Melissa 
1970 Richards, Daniel 
1959 Riley, Eileen (no photo available)
1992 Robinson, Cynthia 
2006 Rollins, Alison 
1975 Romans, Judy 
1998 Rondon, Susan (current name: Susan Fitzgerald)
2011 Roy, Suzy
1986 Ruff-Glavin, Eve (current name: Eve Ruff)
2003 Ryce, Andrea 
1987 Savage, Allan 
2020 Sawyer, Amanda
1961 Sawyers, Elizabeth "Betty" (no photo available)
1998 Schell, Mary Beth 
2000 Seif, Amy  (current name: Amy Blaine)
1983 Selinger, Nancy 
2017 Sheridan, Shannon
1984 Shirrefs, John 
1973 Sinn, Sally 
1980 Slach, June (current name: June Hauck)
1998 Smigielski, Elizabeth 
1961 Smith, David (no photo available)
1971 Smith, Joyce (current name: Joyce Allen)
1997 Smith, Rebecca (current name: Rebecca Tyler)
1976 Snyder, Lou (current name: Lou Knecht)
1988 Soehner, Catherine 
1977 Sollenberger, Julia 
2006 Solomon, Meredith 
1975 Sousa, Mary (current name: Mary Binderman)
1983 Steere Jr., David 
2010 Sticco, Caitlin 
1972 Stiles, Nancy 
1995 Stoklosa, Kristin 
2021 Stone, Simone
2017 Strayhorn, Nicole
1971 Swanson, Brenda 
1967 Swanton, James
1992 Tackett, Mary 
1986 Tahir, Peggy 
2004 Tao, Sandy 
2023 Thieme, Ellen
2013 Thompson, Holly
2019 To, Louise
2005 Tom, Oscencio 
1970 Tonkery, T. Dan 
2024 Torp, Kristi
1984 Trimarchi, Michaeleen 
2001 Twose, Claire 
1981 Ulmschneider, John 
1971 Van de Kamp, Jacqueline 
2011 Van Der Volgen, Jessi 
2007 Vardell, Emily 
2001 Vaughn, Cynthia 
2018 Vetter, Cecelia
1971 Vignone, Joseph 
1957 Vivian Buggs (no photo available)
2021 Vitale, Frank
2024 Volpenhein, Julie
1963 Wahl, Mary (current name: Mary Clark / no photo available)
1987 Warling, Brian 
1979 Weil, Beth 
2023 West, Kelly
2009 Westphal, Sarah 
1978 Wexler, Philip 
2005 Whipple, Elizabeth 
1974 White, Virginia 
1957 Wiedman, William (no photo available)
1962 Wiggin, Lucille (current name: Lucille Wetherald / no photo available)
1999 Wilder, Heather 
2018 Wilson, Paije
1960 Williston, Judith (current name: Judith Walling / no photo available)
1967 Woodsmall, Rose Marie
1988 Wray, Tanner 
1996 Wu, Carol 
2009 Yancey, Yani 
2000 You, Tao 
1970 Young, Jane (current name: Jane Port)
2000 Young, Marlo 
1993 Zemaitaityte, Egle (current name: Egle Locatis)
2009 Zerbe, Holly 
1987 Zollo, Susan 


Last Reviewed: June 7, 2023