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Up close black and white portrait of Saml. Henry Dickson

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Roberts Bartholow

Head and shoulders left pose of Roberts Bartholow with a beard and wearing a military uniform.

Archibald Billing

Right pose, full face, half-length illustration of Archibald Billing.

Illustrated in Medical Circular, v. 1, 1853

George Gwynne Bird

Right pose, full face, half-length illustration of George Gwynne Bird wearing glasses.

Illustrated in: Medical Circular, v. 3, 1853

Henry Bronson

Right pose, full face, half-length illustration of Henry Bronson.

Illustrated in: Hubbard, Stephen Grosvenor. Biographical sketch of the life and writings of the late Professor Henry Bronson, MD
New Haven, 1895
NLM Unique ID: 55310520R
See the LocatorPlus catalog record

William Budd

Half-length, full face, slightly to right of William Budd.

Marshall Calkins

Half-length, full face, slightly to right of Marshall Calkins.

James Carroll

Half-length, full face, slightly to left of James Carroll wearing glasses and a U.S. uniform.

George Lewis Collins

Half-length, full face, body slightly to left of George Lewis Collins.

Illustrated in: Transactions of the Rhode Island Medical Society,
v. 11, 1878-82
Boston, 1906
NLM Unique ID: 68110500R
See the LocatorPlus catalog record

Benjamin Eddy Cotting

Head and shoulders, full face photograph of Benjamin Eddy Cotting.

Illustrated in: Boston. City Hospital. A history of the Boston City Hospital from its foundation until 1904
Boston, 1906
NLM Unique ID: 68110500R
See the LocatorPlus catalog record

Nathan Smith Davis

Half-length, front pose of Nathan Smith Davis.

Samuel Henry Dickson

Head and shoulders, full face, of Samuel Henry Dickson as a young man.

William Ferguson

Full length, standing, of William Ferguson with his left hand resting on a table.

Potrait by Rudolph Lehmann
NLM Unique ID: 101407632
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image B029193 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Tilbury Fox

Head and shoulders, slightly to the right view of Tilbury Fox.

John Francis

Head and shoulders, right pose, full face of John Wakefield Francis.

Engraved by W.G. Jackman from a photo by Brady
New York, 1870
NLM Unique ID: 101407597
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image B029173 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Augustus Bozzi Granville

Three-quarters length view of Augustus Bozzi Granville, seated in a chair with his left arm resting on the top of the chair.

By Paulina B. Granville
Illustrated in Autobiography of A. B. Granville, MD, FRS
London, 1874
NLM Unique ID: 55610660R
See the LocatorPlus catalog record

Thomas Hodgkin

Three quarters length, full face, of Thomas Hodgkin seated in arm chair, legs crossed, hands in lap.

Carolus Fridericus Hoffendahl

Head and shoulders, front pose of Carolus Fridericus Hoffendahl, head turned to the left.

Bushrod Washington James

Head and shoulders, front pose of Bushrod Washington James with a mustache.

Photo by Frederick Gutekunst
NLM Unique ID: 101419840
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image B015241 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Henry Jeanneret

Head and shoulders, front pose of Henry Jeanneret with a beard.

Courtesy Ian Jeanneret

Robert Koch

Head and shoulders, right pose of Robert Koch; wearing glasses with a beard; in oval.

James Adair Lawrie

Head and shoulders, front pose of James Adair Lawrie, head turned to the left.

Adolph von Lippe

Head and shoulders, right pose, full face of Adolphe von Lippe wearing glasses with a full beard.

James R. Manley

Half length, left pose of James R. Manley.

Joseph Nathaniel McCormack

Head and shoulders, left pose of Joseph Nathaniel McCormack.

Thomas Duché Mitchell

Head and shoulders, left pose of Thomas Duché Mitchell.

Illustrated in: Juettner, Otto Daniel Drake and his followers; historical and biographical sketches
Cincinnati, 1909
NLM Unique ID: 56431100R
See the LocatorPlus catalog record

Wolfred Nelson

Head and shoulders, facing slightly left of Wolfred Nelson with a full beard.

Horace Marshfield Paine

Head and shoulders, facing slightly left of Horace Marshfield Paine.

Illustrated in: King, William Harvey. History of homoeopathy and its institutions in America; their founders, benefactors, faculties, officers, hospitals, alumni, etc., with a record of achievement of its representatives in the world of medicine.
New York, Chicago, 1905
NLM Unique ID: 31821120R
See the LocatorPlus catalog record

Granville Sharp Pattison

Seated, left pose, hand in coat of Granville Sharp Pattison.

Painted by C. Harding. Engraved & Printed by J. Sartain
NLM Unique ID: 101426213
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image B021101 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Alexander Philip Wilson Philip

Half length, left pose, seated, hand on table of Alexander Philip Wilson Philip.

Mrs. Robinson. H. Cook
London, 1839
NLM Unique ID: 101426395
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image B021232 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Salvatore Luigi Pisani

Full length, black and white photograph of S. L. Pisani seated in a chair wearing a military uniform of the Chief Government Medical Officer of Malta with a mustache and a beard. His left leg is crossed over his right leg. His right arm is resting on a table.

Courtesy Louis Borg Manché

Jacob Ford Prioleau

Half length, face to left of Jacob Ford Prioleau with a beard.

John Henry Rauch

Head and shoulders, front of John Henry Rauch.

Walter Reed

Head and shoulders, full face slightly left of Walter Reed wearing a military uniform and has a mustache.

Edwin Miller Snow

Head and shoulders, left pose of Edwin Miller Snow.

John Snow

Three quarters length, legs crossed, full face view of John Snow seated at a table with his right arm on the table.

London, ca. 1855
NLM Unique ID: 101429151
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image B024140 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Edward Robinson Squibb

Head and shoulders, right pose of Edward Robinson Squibb.

William Olin Stillman

Head and shoulders full face view of William Olin Stillman with a mustache.

William Swaim

Half length; full face illustration of William Swaim.

A.B. Durand sc.
NLM Unique ID: 101429847
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image B024441 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Adolph Julius Tafel

Half-length, full face view of Adolph Julias Tafel with a mustache.

Joseph Meredith Toner

Head and shoulders, left pose of Joseph Meredith Toner.

A. B. Durand sc.
NLM Unique ID: 101430529
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image B010956 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Samuel Oakley Vanderpoel

Head and shoulders, left side view of Samuel Oakley Vanderpoel with a beard.

Illustrated in: Eliot, Walter Graeme. Portraits of the noted physicians of New York, 1750-1900, with a few facts in the life of each
New York, 1900
NLM Unique ID: 56510640R
See the LocatorPlus catalog record

William Henry Welch

Seated, half length; left pose, in uniform; hat in hands of William Henry Welch.

Forbes Winslow

Head and shoulders, full face of Forbes Winslow.

John Maynard Woodworth

Three-quarter length, seated, left pose, head turned to the right of John Maynard Woodworth.

Lunsford Pitts Yandell

Head and shoulders, full face view of Lunsford Pitts Yandell with a beard.

Illustrated in: Kentucky Medical Journal, v. 15, 1917
NLM Unique ID: 18120750R
See the LocatorPlus catalog record

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Last Reviewed: June 21, 2024