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ICD10PCS (ICD-10 Procedure Coding System) - Source Representation

This page lists specific source data elements and provides information on their representation in the UMLS Metathesaurus.

Summary of Changes:

No updates for this version.

Source-Provided Files: Summary

Numerous documentation and data files are available at: , including the following:

Documentation and Reference
File Description
icd10pcsOrderFile.pdf Documentation for the icd10pcs_order_2024.txt file
icd10pcs_definitions.xsd xml schema document describing definitions xml format
icd10pcs_tables.xsd xml schema document describing tabular xml format
pcs_2024.pdf Information about tables indicating meaning of codes for specific character positions; index to codes
Data files
File Description
icd10pcs_order_2024.txt Long and short descriptions
icd10pcs_tables_2024.xml Tabular data
Not included:
All data from the order file is represented in the Metathesaurus. Selected tags from the xml file are not processed at this time, including <explanation> and <includes>.

Source-Provided Files: Details

The following is a list of elements available for ICD-10-PCS data:

File: icd10pcs_order_YYYY.txt
Length Description Representation
1 5 Order number, right justified, zero filled. MRSAT.ATN = ORDER_NO
6 1 Blank N/A
7 7 ICD-10-PCS code. Dots are not included. MRCONSO.CODE
14 1 Blank N/A
15 1 0 if the code is a 'header' not valid for submission on a UB04.
1 if the code is valid for submission on a UB04.
Determines TTY: "0" for "HS" or "HT"; "1" for "AB" or "PT"
16 1 Blank N/A
17 60 Short description MRCONSO.STR
TTY = AB or HS, based on value in character position 15
77 1 Blank N/A
78 Up to 300 Long description MRCONSO.STR
TTY = HT or PT, based on value in character position 15

File: icd10pcs_tables_YYYY.xml

This file is parsed to extract data for codes at each level of the table, as well as information in the "<definition>" tag.

Tag Representation
<axis> Letter or number of each character of code: concatenated to create MRCONSO.CODE, MRCONSO.SCUI for TTY = HX, MTH_HX, PX

Description for the value: concatenated, using "@" as a subfield separator to create MRCONSO.STR for TTY = HX, MTH_HX, PX