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NANDA-I (NANDA-I Taxonomy) - Metathesaurus Representation

This page lists UMLS Metathesaurus data elements and traces them back to the specific source data that populates them.

VSAB: NANDA-I_2018-2020

Summary of Changes

The NANDA-I data format had signficant changes, and UMLS source processing was adjusted accordingly.

  • LOE
  • SOS
  • associated_condition_of/has_associated_condition
  • population_at_risk_for/has_at_risk_population

Source Provided Files:

File Name Description
NANDA_ALLDATA_EXCEL_English_updated-20180108.xlsx Data file


Identifiers are assigned as follows:

  • TTY = HC: Domain Id concatenated with Class Id (e.g. 3_10)
  • TTY = HT: Domain Id
  • TTY = PT: Diagnosis Code
  • TTY = RT: Phrase Code
SAUI: Not applicable
SCUI: Not applicable
SDUI: Not applicable

Atoms (MRCONSO):

Term Type Origin
HC Domain Id concatenated with Class Id
STR: Class Label
Suppress = "N"
HT CODE: Domain Id
STR: Class Label
Suppress = "N"
PT CODE: Diagnosis Code
STR: Diagnosis Label
Suppress = "N"
RT CODE: Phrase Code
STR: Phrase
Suppress = "N"

Attributes (MRSAT):

ATN Origin Notes
DATE_CREATED Year Established <YYYY> format
DATE_LAST_MODIFIED Revision Year May have multiple <YYYY> values
LOE LOE Level of Effort; for clarity, the ATV includes the numeric value of the LOE as well as an expanded explanation
SOS Footnote
SUBCATEGORY Subcategory Indicates a subheading designated by the DC/ReF/RiF field. Attached to the RUI for the relationship between the PT and RT atoms.

Definitions (MRDEF):

Extracted from "Domain Definition," "Class Definition," and "Diagnosis Definition" fields.

Relationships (MRREL); Hierarchy (MRHIER)

Inverse RELA
RO associated_condition_of
Connect PT to RTs; RELA RELA assigned based on the value of the Category field.
RO defining_characteristic_of
Connect PT to RTs; RELA assigned based on the value of the Category field.
RO population_at_risk_for
Connect PT to RTs; RELA RELA assigned based on the value of the Category field.
RO related_factor_of
Connect PT to RTs; RELA assigned based on the value of the Category.
RO risk_factor_of
Connect PT to RTs; RELA assigned based on the value of the Category.
(no RELA) Hierarchy, created based on the Domain, Class and Diagnosis
SIB (no RELA) Relationships between codes with the same parents.

Mappings (MRMAP):

No mappings are supplied for NANDA-I.