MeSH Records
Three types of MeSH records
- Descriptors (main headings)
- Qualifiers (subheadings)
- Supplementary Concept Records (not used by Cataloging)
Three types of descriptors
- Topical
- Indicate the subject/topic
- Examples: Body Weight, Kidney, Self-Medication
- Indicate the subject/topic
- Publication Characteristics (Publication Types)
- Indicate the genre or format
- Examples: Atlases, Handbooks, Statistics
- Indicate the genre or format
- Geographicals
- Descriptors which include continents, regions, countries, states, and other geographic subdivisions
- Examples: Atlantic Islands, North America, England, Prussia
- Descriptors which include continents, regions, countries, states, and other geographic subdivisions
- Qualifiers (subheadings)
- Used in conjunction with Descriptors to convey a particular aspect of a subject
- Examples: adverse effects, diagnosis, therapy
- Used in conjunction with Descriptors to convey a particular aspect of a subject
Last Reviewed: May 4, 2017